and I am very happy to have YOU in my life.
Confined in with a flu bug...yetch!!! is getting better and I will be back to 'normal' by the weekend. A lot of some kind of cold bug going around and I didn't want to miss it....I did but IT didn't want to miss me.....I gather 'misery' loves company and I must have stood still long enough for it to catch up with me. It seems to be a light case so I am lucky. It does have that croupy cough and that really is the worst of I'll stay put and give it another day and will wallow in miserable luxury feeling so sorry for good excuse to do a lot of nothing today....poor me!!!!But, all is not lost as I have a brand new painting by Louis King, a favorite Gallery friend who does wonders with photographing . A former railroad man who has a collection of pictures and he recreates the romance of the train era. The pictures are fabulous and I was gifted a real beauty. I will have to pick up some of his cards and send some on so you can enjoy his work. Today will be a good day to catch up on 'paper' seems to multiply when you lay it aside to do something with it.....tossing it in the garbage pail seems like a nifty idea.
So today is going to be a good day. Today is going to be bright and sunny, I hope....not sure as it is much to early to tell. It is black out there right now, no lights, no cars, no nothing...silence....silence is profound.....'not a creature is stirring,not even a mouse'
I am off to refill my coffee cup. Friend Ron came in yesterday and braved the cold bugs; he had a cup of tea and brought some homemade cookies down. He was 'gifted' and wanted to share. Calories go with the air around this way can one be skinny.....but...well
I had a lovely phone visit with my friend Helen. She has been having problems with her knee which leads to more sitting than she wants to do. She and I are close in age so we have a lot of laughs about being an 'old lady' and I think we could write a book....we continue to fight the battle of getting to be a true senior of this society and I would venture to say we really don't think of it as 'a charming time' but I think we would agree it is 'a time to move or lose' so we have a lot of laughs as we tell tales of 'getting old'; but...'young in heart'!!
I'm off for a refill, put on some news, hunker down and snooze a bit as it is only around four thirty a.m. ....time for those who are smart and sleeping away.....a chair snooze is in order. Goodbye, see you later gater, off to my easy chair. Hugs to all. |
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