Stillness, quite, serenity...aah nature at its best. How calming, how beautiful!
Prayer of Serenity God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
A new day, some light out there in the parking lot and the workers have parked their cars and are inside the hospital wing doing what they do best. A very difficult job to have; yet, they seem to take it in their stride and bring sunshine and light to those who are bed ridden. It is okay if you say a a prayer for all of the, the workers and their patients. Let us hope they woke up with a bright smile, feeling on top of their world. When you see the ongoing struggle to survive you count your blessings knowing you have been blessed with good health. So make good use of it, light a candle for those who are ill, or have strife, or even are having a 'down' day and wish them a bit of sunshine in their lives.
Yesterday was a good day, all day, I did not go to the pot luck but spent time with my girls. I watched some Neflick, had a delicious snack, good company and relaxed. Christine has two black cats who love to be petted. One really is good at ignoring you but the other one is up in your lap and stays. He loves to be petted. He loves to sit by the hour and thanks you with a rumbling purr which says 'pet me, pet me' and will stay right there at your side.
So, today, a new day, hopefully without rain although it seems to be heading in that direction. The streets were a bit wet this morning...maybe the rain has already come and gone, time will tell. I am having an in day a the refrigerator has to be defrosted. A promise I made myself and have started so the ugly job is yet to be completed. I can't use the sink as everything from the fridge is in it. I can't believe I do not have a self defrosting refrigerator. Well it is an ugly job but someone has to do it. Gripe, Groan, Moan!!!
Go, have yourself a fun day; do some of the things you love to do. Don't forget to light a candle today. Don't forget to visit a sick friend today. Don't forget to be good, kind and gentle and get on with your day as only you can. happy!! Hugs to all. |
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