Saturday, April 1, 2017


A clever idea for keeping your place when reading the latest novel.   A bit to fancy for me and there is no room on my night stand for it....a bookmark works great and doesn't take up any room.  ... but I think it is a clever book stand.
A gaggle, a pride, a 'bunch' of birds waiting for the sunshine to take a dip....
Time to jog the memory and say good morning.    I hope your day is a 'good' one.  

It is early, very early, coffee on the desk and it is hot and tasty;  too hot at the moment but cooling to a drinkable state.    Now if I could wake up the mind and think of something to write about...a blank at the moment , like the darkness outside now that I pulled the blinds open.   Pitch black for the most part, a small outside light on the building across the way but it does not throw much light.  It is quiet out there, no cars moving , to early for anyone in their right mind to be up and about.

I am thinking of yesterday and the ride down to a small town about a half hour away called Paulsbo.  The casino is there and I like to play the slots, especially the Keno machine as it takes longer to donate your money...but..once in awhile there is a little pay off, and lunch out, so it is not always a total loss.   I think I have finally come to terms that I am not going to win a billion dollars and adopt you all;  sorry;   it was a fun idea for a long while as I plotted and planned to take you all on a trip to Ireland.   We could have given the 'tinkers' a run for their money.   Well, I'll try again, it is fun to try and take money away from those big casinos....if only it worked that

I went off very early in the morning forgetting it was laundry day for me so you know I had a very busy late afternoon when I got back here.    My neighbor was doing laundry  too so we had time for a little chatter.   She has breathing problems and wears a headset tubular deal that helps her to breathe.   She had not put it on when she left her room so had to go back and get it.   How awful it is to not be able to breathe on your own.   I realize how lucky I am to be as healthy as I am. When you next light a candle, light one for those who have to fight for breath.    It has to be so frightening to fight just to breathe.

So my day ended on a very high note as my daughter Christine came and visited and told me all about her work week away.    All in all a lot was accomplished and she had a little fun along the way.   We are all going over to the Gallery later today to give Louie a boost as he is 'showing' today.  He does a lot of photography;  fabulous shots of his old train days and so many beautiful 'outdoor' scenes.  He loves taking pictures and it shows.   

So, go have yourself a good day doing what you like to do best.    Be sure you include someone who has no one and make your day and theirs bright and YOU.    I'm off for a refill, thinking good thoughts of each of you.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and 'do unto others, as you would have them do unto you';  something to think about.   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...