Day dreaming of a vacation .
The Volunteer Dinner got off to a shaky start last evening as we stood outside in a bit of droplets waiting for the gate to open leading to the restaurant door. We were on time but it seems a few others were dragging their feet. Once in, we found the tables lined up waiting for us but that was all as it took a good hour for the kitchen crew to get their act together. I have no idea why they were so slow and out of sorts but they were and I would say they owe the Gallery folks an apology.It was as if they had forgotten we were expected and the kitchen crew was 'anything that could go wrong...did...; but the Gallery group are good sports and they made the best of it. In spite of it all, the volunteer dinner was a success. Good folks, and King Louis gave a rousing speech to keep us laughing and patient. We have a little origami crow to hang in our kitchen to remind us of the tribute to the volunteers. There were thirty in attendance so you see we do have generous folks never lacking in smiles and helpful ways. The Gallery stays open and healthy for the next on coming events and the volunteers are at the ready.
April ends and May begins along with outside garden chores waiting to be done. All of the news from you folks is about your early Spring gardening. Back east the weather is cooperating. John and Jo have been putting in new flowers and plants and soon I am to have a picture...I'll share....; Patricia is getting an early start on her vegetables and I, for one, will get in line for a garden tomato. A real garden tomato, nothing better..yum!! With a resounding, 'spring is here' get out your old shoes and find the hoe, it is time to get busy and 'produce'
Have a catch up with yourself today; it is Sunday all day; it is a day of rest for some, but not all, some things cannot be put off . . . so, check your list of 'to-dos' and plan to check each one off; you know you will add as you go; there really is 'no rest for the wicked' . . . smile. Know all the hard work pays off in delectable goodies, so....go be a gardener.
Don't forget to bend the knee in thanksgiving for all you do have. Be thankful and gracious. Be YOU, be 'wonderful' and share YOU with those you like and love. Hugs to all.
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