Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New Month!

Time marches on as today begins the first day of the season of lent;  the forty days before Easter Sunday, if you can imagine that.  How time flies.   Winter is leaving and Spring is about to awaken our taste buds for more of the outdoors.
New bright and beautiful days, changes in our weather patterns, longer day light hours, and probably a lot more outdoor activities.  Gardening comes to mind.
Early sunlight, a time of rebirth, a time to shine.

Our local Art gallery is a very special place  where we spend some of our waking hours.   There is work to be done when it comes to keeping tabs on the history of  little tiny town that grew and grew; and delve into boxes of pictures and bits and pieces of very ancient keepsakes from an era that is long gone.    Granddaughter Erin and I spent some time sorting things out yesterday, numbering and naming is the name of that game.    We had our first box to delve into and if that is a beginning, we should be busy for some time to come.    We don't have time to read all the words but the pictures of people and places tell a story all its own.  The Port Orchard pioneers were strong and very active people.    They had a sense of pride in their town and knew an art gallery would be the best place for storing the bits and pieces of the  history of the town.   Those folks saved artifacts and books and papers that tell of its history.    As I was handling the papers, and pictures, I thought how wonderful it would be to introduce the town folks to their own history and the town they live in. A few are interested, most could care less;  but, I bet if the Gallery folks got busy and had a 'history time' a lot of the young folks would want to learn all about where they live and how it came to be.  The Gallery folks offer walls for the young artists of the schools.   The children are talented and they take pride in their work.    The art work tells a story all its own.  History, Geography, how we use to think that those words were a meaning for hard work...then we found how interesting and how wonderful it is to be able to trace back, in time, the wonders of what used to be.   The people of Port Orchid should be immensely proud of their history and their town.    So today, if you have nothing special you have to do, take time out and go and visit your local gallery.   Hopefully the words and pictures will give you a few hours of pleasure and you will come away with a sense of pride and belonging.    Put on your shoes, invite a friend out to lunch and a look see at your local gallery.  It may prove to be your best day in a long time.    Go...enjoy.

Be good, be kind, be gentle and treat everyone you meet today just exactly as you would want them to treat you.    Kindness doesn't take much work at all;  in fact it is one of the easiest gifts we have, so....share it.    Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...