It is time to refurbish the brain.
A new week coming up and starting with rain . . . spring rain . . . we need it to get our gardens started, bulbs will be popping up although I hear my son John has snow..must be Spring snow and that isn't all bad. I remember seeing the jonquils pop up in snow many a spring. The iffy weather time until the season changes and soon we will be complaining about not, some really enjoy the warmth and sunlight. Weather is weather, like it or not, it comes about in its own way and we relish the warmth of summer weather even if we do gripe and groan about it. Here In Port Orchard we had a clear Sunday and the Gallery was all decked out for the folks to enjoy a new show, a table set for a King and the hand of Friendship extended for all to enjoy. It is fun to hob nob with the artists and listen to a tale or two about their work. Some of the new work was really beautiful and one of the larger works was show cased on an easel for all to enjoy. A feeling of taking a paint brush in hand comes over one as the canvas comes to life before your eyes. The scene captured by the eye of the artist brings about fascination and wonder and the wish to be able to paint. How lucky some folks are to have such talent. Roy Carr, one of my favorite painters was there and tells me he is working on a new canvas. I have one of his paintings of three kittens which brings smiles to my face when I look at it. There are a lot of talented artists here in Port Orchard, and Roy does some outstanding work and has the ability to make it look 'easy'. . . a talent we would all like to have.
So, a new week, new hours to wile away with things to do and places to go. Busy is good. Yesterday I walked around the 'junker shop' (Good Will) and found a couple of little 'things' to decorate the apartment. I don't need anything else but how can you leave a tiny beautiful vase behind when it can be sitting on a table in the apartment. It is different, a little like an Egyptian artifact that needs to be seen....well, I think It is sitting on my little hall table and it looks beautiful...well, not really beautiful, but it does add a bit of charm to the entrance table where the big candy dish sits for all to enjoy. It is amazing how fast that candy goes, but, a joy to share and fun as well.
So, off I go, wishing you a great day filled with love and laughter. Be good, be kind, be gentle. Be a friend today. Someone needs your smile. Someone needs a warm hand and soft heart to help them through a bit of a tough time. Remember 'there but by the grace of God go I' and YOU will know exactly what is needed to help a friend in need. A hug.....a smile....kind, you know exactly what to it. Hugs to all. |
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