Here is a picture of Emma enjoying the sights and sounds of the Gallery. She spends some time there with Pat and loves all the attention she gets from the artists. She is so beautiful, I bet she would ;pose for them..smile. Emma is a love. |
The picture of the daisies is one of my favorites. If I had a lot of money, I'd buy it for home. It just has a wonderful feeling to it and so well done. It always makes me smile...he loves me, he love me not.....smile!!!
Yesterday was a Gallery Day.....a special event, a table set with all kinds of goodies and a good crowd attended. Our family was all there ready to meet and greet the folks as they came in. The table was filled with all kinds of good things to eat and we have several table huggers that enjoy eating non stop. One man comes to every show and spends most of his time at the food table. I often wonder if this is his main meal of the day as he never misses a show. Sally and her husband were there and are always fun to share time with. Louie did a great job meeting and greeting the folks as they came in. A good crowd for a Sunday outing and one that seem to appreciate the wonderful work by our local artists.
Erin and Donaleo did a good job of hosting. They were there to meet and greet the folks and had a lot of verbal exchange with the folks who dropped in. A lot of good feedback about the show and no one seemed in a rush to leave. I think everyone enjoyed 'hanging' around and sharing a word or two about some of the fantastic art on display. There is a lot of talent here in Port Orchard. It is a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon and the local folks seem to enjoy an hour or two at the Gallery. There are other items to see and admire as well as the art work itself. Some folks are clever and do some unusual ceramic works. There is also a display of jewelry that is unusual, different, and interesting. Some folks have a talent for the unusual and several pieces went out the door yesterday.
The next event is going to be the making of terrariums. We found several glass bowls and have some grasses, small plants and some 'people and animals' to add to the making of a piece of art. It is always a fun night out and the completed products are always special and beautiful. A lot of talent, a lot of thinking goes into the making of a terrarium beside it being a lot of fun.
Plan a good week for yourself and go out and find some little creatures to add to your work of art; you know you want to have a terrarium in your living room....one beautiful object that makes you smile.
Go, have a good day today, all day...do something wonderful....treat a friend...visit someone who has not had a visitor in awhile.....don't hesitate to buy one of those maple bars and share it.....share you with those you like and love......make someone person happy and you will smile all day.
Be good, be kind, be gentle...be YOU!!! Hugs to all.