Thursday, November 10, 2016

Good Morning!

The yellow rose was a favorite flower of my daughter Eileen.  Whenever I see one, she comes to mind and I wonder has never been the same without her; a bit of sunshine went along with her.    
and a promise of a good one.    
The sunrise, another beautiful day to claim as your own.This picture was taken way back in 2011 but if you were to walk outside and take the shot again it would still be lovely and welcoming.

Good morning.   Don't go away ...I'll be right back,  need a refill...have to have something to wake up the brain and hopefully the inside word processor.   

Okay, I am back, full cup of hot black coffee and one sip leads to another...ah!!!

I look at my little plaque which has the Prayer of Serenity and I say it one more time in hopes that I will be granted the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the sure says it all.    I did open the blinds but all I see is darkness, no lights on in the hospital wing that I can see from my window.   It is just to early and folks are sleeping in.    It is to early for the first workers to arrive and if I had any sense I would go back to bed and snooze in for another hour or so , but that is something I just don't do;  the body clock says up and that is what it does and stays there.    Well, I'll have my coffee, spend a little time with you and then I'll hunker down in my favorite chair, turn on the TV and two to one, I'll snooze!!!    There is more than one way to ' skin a cat' as the old expression says.   Who in their right mind would want to skin a cat...not me!

Speaking of cats, Christine has two black cats that are beautiful , one is friendly, the other is not.  I was over her house yesterday to watch a little more of the Christmas shows on Hallmark.  If you haven't tuned in, do, as they are fun to watch.    A little corny, a little predictable, always enjoyable to watch.  One of the cats , and I have no idea if it has a name or not, but the one without the crooked tail, is friendly and cuddled up and stayed with me through all the shows.   A scratch behind his ears and he is a friend forever.   Chris was working down n her office  and had nothing I could help with so kept busy until tea time.  She stopped for a tea break and came up to say hello.  She just returned from a business trip so I am sure she had lots to catch up on.   I offer to help and some times she has some work I can do but yesterday was not one of them.   The shows were fun to watch and later I took her out for Chinese and we had an interesting discussion about the current political choices.   She says black if I say white and visa  We also discussed some of the horrible situations of the homeless.   The facts of no possible way to solve the problems when money is tight and the need so great.     When 'we' stop saying 'not in my backyard' then maybe some solutions will be forth coming.  Until you yourself is in that same position, you will not change your tune.   One never knows when the other shoe will drop and drop it will.  No one goes unscathed through life.    There have been centuries of talk about  'being my brother's keeper';  no one wants the job but it is there and it needs doing....think of 'there but by the grace of God , go I' and then maybe the heart will free the hands and the pocket book as the need is great.  Think about it as the holiday season comes along and you shell out money for 'things' when you could use a small bit of it to share with those who have absolutely nothing.   You may not have ever been in that position, and thank God you haven' mindful that 'things' change sometime overnight and the shoe can be on the other stop, think, be generous to a fault and give a helping hand to those who are at your mercy.    God loves the merciful so practice during this upcoming holiday season and see what you can do to ease the 'plight' of others......not of their choosing but of their circumstance. 

Go, be generous, do not pass up one red kettle this holiday season.   Keep change in your pocket and reach out for the red buckets and fill them for those who have nothing.    Count your have many.  

Be good, be kind, be benevolent, be gracious to a a lover....a huger and be that person you are meant to be....someone who loves life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....some one who finds happiness in sharing and caring.    Look around, pay attention and you will know exactly what to do.     BE YOU!!!!  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...