Erin Michelle is having a birthday....wonder if that expression is telling us it is okay, see no wrinkles yet, |
and our Erin is a prime example of love and smiles for everyone she meets and greets. A happy soul so willing to share and care; a special young woman with a heart full of love. |
Her mother, her aunt, her grandmother sing Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday dear Erin, Happy Birthday to YOU!!! |
One day is done you will be a year older, it's only numbers, and a year smarter, brighter, and more loving as only you can be. May your days be filled with love and laughter. |
Here it is another day, hopefully one a bit drier than yesterday. Rainy days are good, but more confining when you do not have the proper weather wear to get out and walk in it. I enjoyed the lunch ladies and their tales. I had an invitation to visit one of the ladies and see her apartment. She had just hung a shelf and put up her collection of cups and saucers. They were beautiful, delicate and each one a special color and design. My neighbor, Evelyn, has been giving me sets of cups and saucers for Christine and the Gallery teas. She has donated them and when I walked through one of the Antique shops the other day and saw the price they are asking for such sets, I don't think I had better tell her or she might want them back.
I want to take time out to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I no longer have the card program on the computer and miss it. The company refused to take checks; must have had some problems along the way and I do not use credit cards so I lost out on sending computer cards. Hopefully you are tuning in to the blog and know I wish you tender turkey and lots of special pies. I am bemoaning the fact no one is making a mince pie ; maybe i'll make one after the holidays and invite some one who likes it to come and help me eat it. I haven't used the oven here yet; not sure if it would blow up or not...tiny stove and one I am not used to. The top burners work fine, smile....
I made the mistake of giving all of my wrapping paper away so now have to go and buy some as I have birthday presents to wrap . Christine will be having a birthday early December. Hard to believe she is a senior citizen and that makes me..????...well, lets not go there...smile.
I am off to finish my coffee and turn on the television to see what has happened overnight. Some good news would be welcome. Take good care of you today, do some one thing that will make you proud. Be good, be kind, be gentle and bend the knee in thanksgiving for all the blessings you do have. Remember to be magnanimous and share a fruit cake or two. . . what do you mean you do not like fruit cake....it is delicious and so good for you...smile....it is okay , if you don't like it there is more for me. Go...have a fun day. Be all you can be...be YOU!!! hugs to all.