Early morning |
Linticular clouds |
Away in a Manager!!!
A new week beginning, an old month ending, excitement, shopping, sending greetings, a myriad of things to do and places to go as the spirit of Christmas dominates the air. So much to do, can't think of a thing anyone wants or needs. The time of year that makes you crazy but you wouldn't change it for the world. But, and there is always the proverbial but. . . the reality of some lives are sad and it behooves you, as the old timers would say, to pay attention to what is going on around you. The demand for contributions to all kinds of needs is on going. Be wise, be careful and choose the charity that is closest to your heart. |
I would like to be writing tales of wonderment but all I did was visit with a friend and talk about the old days and the things we used to do way back when we were young and foolish and full of life. Oh don't get me wrong, we still are, a might slower, a bit older, not to wise but wise enough to remember some tales that would set your funny bone in the right direction. Growing up on a farm certainly was a lot different than growing up in a city...one of those never the twain shall meet....memories have a way of sparking the imagination. The tea was hot, the cookies were delicious and the tales were fun as we wandered down memory lane.
I did get out to shop at the drug store and buy some of the necessary items that one cannot live without, little cotton puff balls to smooth on the dab of cream that will make the wrinkles seem less but they don't disappear. I think finger tips work just as well but there is something about that little cotton ball that makes one think magic can happen. I managed to find the Christmas candy area and , of course, didn't leave without a bag or two. I have been collecting some beautiful little leaf dishes to fill for my table mates. I forgot some ribbon..well, next shopping trip....there is always some one thing we forget in our buying spree. I know, a list, but who remembers to take it with you...not me.
I am off to have my seconds on coffee and wake up. I am hoping today is going to be a good one with a little less rain but I think that is wishful thinking. I miss my walks to the corner and back but the exercise room is right next to me and I can work out there...but who works out....not me if I can help it. So I will love you and leave you and wish you a day to remember. Go....make someone happy. Hugs to all.
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