I would love to be walking the beach this morning, or any morning, yes, I miss Brookings, friends, and Lone Ranch beach.
A quiet day yesterday and it was fun to relax and read and do the big puzzle on the puzzle board. It looks like a giant mess and it is as it is signs of all kinds. It is not an easy puzzle but it is a fun one. The last one proved to be a little more difficult after it was more than half way done. The last ;pieces were all alike and almost all the same shape so it never did get finished. When they cease to be fun , then it is time to put it back in the box. I thank son John for his gift of the puzzle board, it is such fun to use . it spins, so if you do not have one and you do ;puzzles, be sure you look into buying one.
My blinds are open. The cars are coming in slowly this morning. The workers must have a different time shift. Maybe there is a different crew on and they park elsewhere. The blinds of the hospital wing are closed and there is little movement in the parking lot this morning. It is early and just because I get up in the wee hours does not mean everyone else has to. I wonder what it would be like to sleep in; something I have never been able to do. Four or Five a.m. seems to be a good time to rise, coffee always taste good and that nap in the chair a bit later doesn't hurt at all.
I am babbling as there really is nothing new and different to tell you about. At the Sunday affair our King Louie, the photographer was telling me he is kitchens and that is good news as he has been a chef more than once in his lifetime. We can use someone who is acquainted with good diets and not afraid to add a bit of color to the meals. Imagine me writing about having dinner and not complaining. That old adage of "Will wonders never cease" comes to mind.
We are thinking about a trip to the lavender fields now that Pat has had the car brakes done. The responsibility and upkeep of an automobile is always with us. There is always something that needs doing. The fields are quite a distance but it is a nice ride. It is fun to go into the shops and have lavender ice cream and shop for some of the cremes and lotions. We bring home a small bunch of the lavender as well and it brightens up a room. We are thinking of a beach trip too, but that is summer planning, as to whether or not we can fit some side trips in only time will tell. One gets wrapped up in the business of the day and making plans to vacation takes time and effort and expense. The thing is to stop talking about it and do it...go and enjoy a break.
So if you do vacation, send pictures and words and tell me all about your good rest time. Everyone deserves one. In fact it is good for the body and the mind. We all need to have some down time, so don't be bashful, make plans and go for it.
Be good, be kind, be gentle and as Teddy Roosevelt once said "and carry a big stick". Make it a walking stick and give it a good workout. Head for a beach or a mountain trail and get yourself in shape. Exercise the body and the mind. Be healthy and happy. YOU can do it. GO!! Enjoy your summer . Hugs to all.
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