Leave it to the seniors.
Here it is Thursday already, another fast week, cool and comfortable with a bit of a shower in the mix. I met my new dentist yesterday and found him to be a gentleman I had once shared a table with at a special dinner my girls and I attended some months ago. The x-ray tooth proved to be still healthy but there has been some bone loss and the space between two molars is the cause of my problem which I already knew and my using the probing tool didn't help. I also found his prices sky high and wonder if he lives in a castle. $95.00 and that was for one x=ray and his time. I'm told that is the going price these days, um...wonder if I can survive my first big checkup with him; no choice as it is imperative that we keep our teeth healthy as our food is our fuel and we have to be sure we eat well to survive. I have that old 'depression era' mind so it is difficult to reconcile the differences in the prices today. All I can say is take time to be sure you keep your routine up and keep your teeth and gums healthy. I found the quote for a full check up is $165.00 and that is for looking, not for any work that needs to be done. I have heard the phrase 'gumming it' and may yet find out just what that means. We have often heard the expression 'life is not fair' and I believe the professionals lead the way down that path with their expectation to live high on the hog while we are expected to keep them in the style they have become accustomed to . . . I don't think so, we may be the start of the toothless generation. I opened the blinds to see a blue sky with a touch of grey clouds, a bit more rain today I think. It has been normal weather for the northwest I take it, sweater weather and carry an umbrella. . . June. . .um, wonder what July and August will be this year. I remember coming here a year ago and finding it extremely hot for weeks then back to a normal pattern which was a wait and see . I have to tell you that we have some of the most beautiful skies that are truly awesome to see. The clouds reflect scenes over the water that seem impossible and take your breath away. One of these evenings I will try to take my camera and catch a view or two and share them with you. Here at Ridgemont there are no changes. Karen, our manager is holding down two jobs at the moment, working in one of the other buildings, helping out as they look for some new people to man the desks. Some are complaining . There must be a 'gag' rule about letting us in on how our former neighbor is doing; silence seems to be the rule of the day. I did read to Vinnie yesterday for two hours and we have about two and a half chapters to end the book. It has been a long time to read the two books about World War II but Herman Wauk has done a remarkable job of making it all come alive. There is much history to his tale. We will probably take a break until we find another book that interests us. All I can tell you at this time is that it will not be a 'war' book...smile. So today, look around and see what needs doing. There must be a garden patch that needs weeding already. Pat's garden boxes are coming along great and we are going to have some luscious vegetables as the beets are already showing and the carrots not far behind. I am waiting patiently for a garden tomato. Thee is always something to do in the garden. There is a time to nurture and a time to cull the bounty from your hard work. There is nothing more delicious than a ripe garden tomato. Have fun exercising those muscles and know that bending and stretching with your behind in the sunshine can only reap a harvest of delicious eating. Don't be a slug . . . be a gardener. . . baby things along and you will not be sorry, you will be sated with the taste of nature. Hugs to all. |
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