Wednesday, May 4, 2016

More or Less

Here is a picture to keep in mind when you are thinking of eating....all of these kinds of food are cholesterol making. 
Salami is so tasty but has so much fat in it.  Cheese of all kinds are so delicious but we have to keep the size down to a minimum;  and put it all together in a pizza and you are courting troubles.    It is a bit late for me as I have eaten pizza forever and the damage is done and I think now that son John has arrived we may order in a pizza before the week is over. We will worry about cholesterol tomorrow....
A memory picture...Pat's old back yard in Brookings.   We had many a good time here and we miss the little house and the big yard especially when friends came by and shared a bit of sunshine.

A bit of politics.    Baggage is right....we all have some but these two make a career out of it.  I often wondered what 'gall' looked like, well here is a good picture of it.

John has arrived and I will see him a bit later this morning.    I am glad to know he is here safe and sound and hope his trip was a good one.   I will see him later this morning and can hardly wait.   A year is a long time and his last visit was to settle me here and leave quickly so we really didn't have much time to share.    There is never enough time to share with our children.    I really enjoy the time I do share with them.   How lucky I am that I get the time with them.  

A down day yesterday, nothing special going on.  I had lunch or dinner as it is called with the table mates, each day I never know who is going to fill the chairs....could be the same ones, or all different.   We have one man who does like to sit with us and he is a joy as he loves to talk and is very interested in genealogy .   He has been working on tracing his ancestors for a good year or so now and has come along way.   He seems interested in where they started their journey from and where they settled here in the U.S.   most of his clan seem to stay on the east coast around Virginia.    He found a few up in the New England states and one as far away as Ohio.    Most were farmers, but  he  smiles when he talks of a renegade or two.   He carries a small phone type gadget in his pocket and can look information up immediately.   I am not familiar with the I-pads or I-pods so am not sure what it is called.    He can look up a name and find information or find out what the weather is wherever your interest lies.    A clever gadget and I bet expensive.   My mind is way to lazy to catch up with all the modern conveniences.     I am still back in the Princess Phone stage. 
Once again, Vinnie was a no show.   He has been having cold problems which he claims he does not have.   He has one, believe me and a spring cold can hang on all summer.    Several of our ladies have spring allergies, including me, runny eyes and a direct contact with a Kleenex box.   I wish I had bought stock in the Kleenex company.  I  would be a billionaire today.

I visited my neighbor, Evelyn, yesterday afternoon.  She does go up for dinner now and then but prefers to stay in her apartment and does her own shopping for  the special foods she likes to eat.  The problem is she has little or no appetite.  Some of the older women here have no appetite at all and are bone thin.   It seems to go with some of the smaller builds, not sure why, but how they exist is beyond me.   She spends a lot of time alone but I found yesterday she considers me one of her angels...she has a dozen lovely angels that light up, candle like, on her table, all beautiful and I now possess one.   she has decided to collect elephants;  my what a change. Her son is very good to her and watches over her.  He calls every day and comes over once a week to take her out to shop.   She can't see well and cannot walk far but she likes to sit on a bench and watch the people.  Her son does the shopping and takes very good care of her.  She seems to like to shop and she loves to buy things.   Her newest fetish is elephants and she already has two big ones.   A lovely lady, a lonely lady, lost without her mate of some seventy years and more than willing to join him although her time has not come.    Old age has its quirks, some we have no idea why or how they work.    She has no space for her newest collection so it will be interesting to see how she moves things around.    There is a big difference between elephants and angels.
So today, if you have a special collection, add to it, go and find a special piece that will make you happy.   I still laugh over saving 'Colonial' people for Christine only to find out she collected much I do not know....Patricia collects, but not one special thing but many beautiful and different things.    Me. it's books and pictures.   Everyone needs to collect 'things' as they do bring a bit of light and laughter into your lives.    So be a collector today and go and find something you will treasure.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and don't forget a good deed and share lots of hugs today....make it a 'hug' day. Hugs to all.


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Good Morning!!!!

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