Saturday, January 23, 2016


No you have admit that this is a prize possession;   Clever and endearing.

A lovely picture of  the 911 memorial build near Jerusalem.  The only foreign tribute which has the names of all who were lost  both in English and Jewish.     

The first family coming back from vacation.   No one is smiling.

Mike and Mari live in the path of that huge storm that is heading their way and this is just the beginning.  

We should be seeing lots of pictures on the television today about that huge storm that was coming in late yesterday.   It was to be a blizzard and there was plenty of warning so everyone should be hunkered down safe and off the roads.    Our little rain bursts seem like nothing in comparison.    it is my first winter up here in the north, haven't any idea of how much stormy weather we will get.  So far we had a dusting of snow but mostly rain and it does rain, a lot.   
I read a short missive about Facebook and its contents...Each one telling where they went, what they ate, who they saw. . . reminded me of me and the blog.    Some folks are interested in what a person, they love or like, wants to share.    Our lives are not always filled with excitement, travels and good times, but are more or less mundane with just daily living.   Walking around the block and talking with ones neighbors may be the high light of the day, but special because you had a chance to share a bit of your seconds with those you like and love.    Maybe sharing a trip to the grocery store is the highlight of the day, or fixing a cup of tea for someone who drops in to find out how you are doing.   It is just life, as it is, not overly exciting, not filled with glamorous doings, just everyday existence which creates a bit of love and laughter in ones existence.   Some folks have no one to share their seconds with.    They hunger for a word, a deed, a touch.    Loneliness hurts.  
So today, keep those words in mind.   Show you care just by listening.   Maybe even sharing a few humdrum words of your very own.    Maybe, just maybe, you will make some one person feel needed, wanted and loved.    I think that is number one on our priority list. . . to be liked. . . to be listened to. . . to be cared for. . . . to be needed. . . to be loved.
Go, share the love you feel today.    Don't hold back;  give a little and get back a lot.   Today is the right day to be loving.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...