I didn't know that. Wish I never heard of it as campfires are always fun to share...brilliant starry night, good friends, marsh-mellows and maybe a cowboy song or two..... one never thinks of carcinogens. |
I have never seen anyone devour twenty tacos in one sitting; two seems to be the magic number and one margarita . . . although we could change that and have one taco and two margaritas; with or without salt? The choice is yours . . . Poncho's here we come....well if I were in Brookings I would be there for lunch or dinner. |
Isn't that the truth!! But. . . wait a second or two and February and March will show us a bit of what winter is really all about. Don't put that snow shovel away just yet. |
I am not sure if I posted this picture before or not, but it can stand another look see. . . our ladies.... our warrior ladies....we don't hear much abut them and what they do or have done . . . or . . .the fact they are wounded warriors too. They deserve some notice and our thanks for being brave wanting to fight for our country no matter what. Say a prayer for each and everyone of them. |
Hump day, mid week, time flying by . . . I had planned to take the girls out for a snack last evening but the weather was so stormy, wet, cold and miserable we opted to wait for a better time. I fixed that I invited them for blueberry pancakes this morning so I am going to be out in the kitchen making up the batter and trying to figure out how I can cook them in one tiny cast iron frying pan not much bigger than a pancake. I miss my Brookings kitchen. . . I miss my oversized pots and pans; I gave up cooking, how come I still keep trying . . . guess I cannot give up those 'jean' dishes. it will all work out, it always does. I just have to get out there and do it.
It was quiet around here last evening when I heard a big thump. I thought, for a minute, that my neighbor may have fallen so I went over and knocked on her door. It took Evelyn a while to get to the door but she was fine . She heard the noise too but we couldn't tell where it came from. I looked outside and went out on the little porch to see a huge truck trying to park in a small space. Maybe the driver hit the fence; not sure, but at least it wasn't one of our 'patrons' lying on the floor. Several of our folks have fallen lately. Balance seems to be a bit of a problem when you get to this age. Rose, one of our ladies that had a fall about a month ago and has been in the hospital wing, came for a visit yesterday with her contraption that rests her arm when she is out for a walk. It is quite a stand on wheels. She must have done a lot of damage to one arm as it is still wrapped up tight. She tells us she will be returning to her apartment by the end of this week. It isn't going to be easy with only one hand to work with.
Aggie came for coffee yesterday. She is Norwegian and a coffee drinker. She carries her own thermos of hot coffee but had drank her coffee up so I put on a new pot. We had a nice visit, lovely lady, easy to be with. Today is reading day with Vinnie;. We are trying a once a week deal, so it is going to take some time to get the sequel read. Be good, be kind, be gentle and make someone you like and love content with your company today. Stop at the store, pick up a bit of something delicious and join someone for a cup of tea, a visit, and find reasons to laugh out loud.
The computer just went down, the blog was saved so I am ending before I lose it completely. Go . . have some fun today, doing things you love to do. Share YOU with those you love and like. Send me a note, I'd love to hear from you. Hugs to all.