Words to live by. . . |
a truism. . . |
remember this and practice it every day!! |
thought it was a flower but not sure what it is, looks like bubbles but the how, the why and the what is a puzzle.... |
Good Morning!! How are you this morning? I hope bright eyed and bushy tailed as the old saying goes.....a new day....what are you going to do with it???
I have been up awhile, opened the blinds to a parking lot filled with parked cars as the workers are in the hospital wing helping those who cannot help themselves. What would we do without our helpers? Hope we never have to find out. It takes a special person to be a nurse and lucky for each of us that we have some folks dedicated to that profession. There should be a 'nurses day' to help celebrate them for all they do; not an easy job by a long shot.
There are soft pink clouds hovering above the trees this morning...a beautiful sight to see and a few of the window shades are up in the hospital wing, tv on, and hopefully a good day for the patient just tuning in to a new day.
There is a new sport like car in the parking lot, parked right in front of my window. It looks like what we used to call a 'coup' and it has an off white body with a tan, almost brown roof top, the black and the grey cars on either side have no personality after looking at that one. I wonder if the top goes down....it looks like it should. So, as you can see, I am rambling...smile....nothing much to tell you with the exception that we did fill bags for Ladies Night Out at the Gallery last evening and had delicious pizza, good company and a lot of laughs. We do good work, even if I do say so myself.
Go....have yourself a great day, all day, doing what you love to do best. Stay healthy and happy and be sure you do more than one good deed today. There is someone in need and YOU are the answer to a prayer today...so...go!!! Be good, be kind, be gentle and be a friend!! Hugs to all.