A Wake Up Beauty
Well I tried....no other pictures this morning and I am bummed,Yes, as the saying goes....I had some beauties of our carriers and wanted to share them with you. The one of the carrier New York was made from tons of scrap from the World Trade Center; twenty four tons to be exact. The scraps were of steel and the ship houses 360 sailors and 700 combat ready Marines. Yes, we have a lot to be proud of. Remember them in your prayers, thank them for doing a job we cannot do and one they do so well. We are in good hands.
What did I do yesterday? um...nothing special, well, that isn't true I entertained Lois, one of my favorites and we had a sip of brandy from a tiny sipping glass, and talked about our early days which is always fun. We came from the 'depression days' and our histories are similar as country wide we all suffered from little money and hard times. We were resilient though, and made the best of everything we had. There was no false pride in wearing hand-me-downs and we were taught, at a very young age, that sharing is caring and we all did a lot of that. We were from different parts of our country but life was similar; poverty was the name of the game and we played the game well. Gardens saved the day for most of us and those that had a little more shared. Good times were there in spite of the depression. We have talked about all of this before, and probably will again..smile....but memories are part of what makes our world go around and around.
I am going out to my kitchen and have a refill of my coffee. This time I might add a piece of toast, but, if I had my druthers, I would rather have a big fat doughnut. Toast with jelly is not the same...smile.
Go, have yourself a great day. Do something you have been putting off. You know what it is...get busy and get it done and over with; think how good you will feel when it is all behind you and you can get on with doing things you love to do...visit a sick friend....that is good for both of you.....go shopping for some groceries and don't forget a jelly doughnut for your morning coffee. While your at it, pick up something good for dinner tonight....something that makes your taste buds stand to attention. Pizza is good; Chinese is better; but a big fat juicy hamburger isn't hard to digest at all. So you choose and enjoy. Sleep tight when you get there and be thankful for this very special day with hours only you can fill. Go....and share YOU with those you like and love. Don't forget hugs.....aah.....what would we do without them? Hate to find out. Hugs to all. |
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