Monday, January 16, 2017

Flu Bug Hints

Cowboy movies
endless hours

The flue bug is nasty, there is no other way to put it.   It saps all your strength, it uses up boxes of kleenex, it leaves you friendless ...with  the exception of  a friend who has the same viral bug and came to commiserate and join me in a hot toddy;   so all was not lost and we had time to chat and sip, sip and chat and all seemed much better in our viral world.    There is nothing like a good friend to share your toddy, almost makes it worth

I was gifted a big bright yellow lemon, a lovely get well card and the news that this bug has been busy visiting other folks here at Ridgemont.   Confined in a closed building doesn't help much.   Everyone seems to have a cure and if we try them all we should all be the happiest group in town.   I was gifted a huge bowl of soup which I will try today.   Kindness is not lacking here.  Caring is on top of the list.   Hopefully this virus will not run rampant here.   Maybe the sun will shine today and we can open a door or two for a short while and air the place out.    Patricia comes over to check up on me and doesn't listen when I say not to come as she could catch this bug...not a fun one.  but she doesn't listen, a real Florence Nightingale who comes with all kinds of goodies to chase the bug away.    Home made soup, cookies and tea bags, and a lot of lucky I am.   I have often been told you feed a cold and starve a fever;  don't have a fever;   do have a full belly and hopefully this virus will disappear.    

So today be sure you check around and see what kind of a virus is lurking with the intention of laying you low.    Stock up on soups, the makings of a hot toddy, and don't forget a good book to take your mind of the sniffles.    And if you do get it, rest and regroup and you will soon be on  the mend.   Winter blahs are never fun but we know how to make good use of them.  Take good care of YOU. . . Now I know why my friends mother use to keep a roll of toilet tissue by her is cheaper than kleenex and just as    Go...take good care of you today.  Hugs to all.

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