Seasons come and go adding up to one more year that has brought life, love, laughter and tears into our lives. Some will sigh with relief, others will bemoan the fast passing of a year of their lives, as others will be thankful to see the end of a year that brought with it a few surprises, some good and some bad. A time of reflection. A time to make promises to oneself on how to improve; how to set an example for others to follow that will make daily life fill with more happiness and contentment. As the old folks used to say: "talking is cheap, its the doing that is difficult" so today give some thought to how you will set a good example for the new year. Give a little more of yourself. Be gentle. Be generous to a fault. Be a mentor, a friend, a good example of gentle soul who has the time and the inclination to be there for those you like and love, who are an important part of your life.
Be good, be kind, be gentle . . . hug a lot . . . Pucker up and dispense a kiss or two, remember they don't hurt even a little bit. You have a whole new year ahead of what are YOU going to do with it? The choices are YOURS. Do I sound repetitious....well, I am!!! Get ready to celebrate a New Year and do not forget the resolutions, you know the ones you will break before the new day is over. . . something about 'good intentions' . . . we all have them. YOU and spread a little love and joy today. Hugs to all.
Thanks for reminding me that I get to make the choices, that's been done to a certain extent, after your motivation. Hug ya later.