Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Good Morning!

A beautiful tiger cat.  What a beauty!!  

Sounds like something Mother Teresa would say as she reminded us to do our good deeds every day and  not just once in a lifetime.   We have no idea what some of our family, friends and neighbors are going through right now.   Maybe, just maybe, if we stopped to listen, to pay attention we would find a way to help ease a little of the pain. and remind ourselves 'there but by the grace of God go I'.
On the other hand there are those who live their lives in not so quiet desperation;  attention is the name of the game, loneliness is most likely the cause.  So, today, give a little of yourself and see if you can bring a ray of sunshine to someone you care about.
Today is a day to become a wise old owl.  Look around and pay attention , someone needs a hug.

Christmas is coming and in the preparation we all go a little crazy.   We tend to be all wrapped up in paper wrappings and forget that kindness is one of the best gifts we can bestow on our love ones.   Take time out today to see...really look, and see who has a need for a hug, a listening ear, a smile...someone woke up with a heavy burden and YOU may be the one who can lighten the load.   It never hurts to be kind, to be loving and to 'be there' for someone you care about.    Look around today, stop, look and listen and be the bright light that leads that someone into a day of sunshine and away from the shadows.   

So today, be a good example of love and light, kindness and open arms to embrace our family and friends and lead them into a bit of your warmth and love.   Be a lover, it doesn't hurt a bit.  Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...