Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Lone Ranch Beach pathway in Brookings, Oregon. . . an old haunt, a favorite place and I miss it very much.    
A cutie, wonder if she got a manicure...wow...I'd like fingernails like that.

In flight...how beautiful....

Debate. . . what debate?   Oh that one...nope, I didn't watch it.   I was having dinner with my granddaughter and daughters as Erin goes off to Delaware today to visit her Uncle John and checkout some of the colleges in that area.   She has always wanted to go to Gauludet, not sure of the spelling, but a famous college for those who are deaf, or have hearing problems .  There is another college she is interested in located in New York and they might make it up there as well.  She will be back next week for a few more days with us and then she will fly back to Hawaii and Donaleo as he finishes up his college work and hopefully they will come this way for awhile.   Time will tell.

Meanwhile, here at Ridgemont it was very quiet.   Another finished puzzle and a trip to the thrift store and found a couple of new ones to do....in fact, one is already started on the puzzle board.  It is a beautiful scene which is much like Carson Valley in Nevada, a beautiful scene and it will be a monster but a fun one.My friend, Paula, called and she tells me her town in Arkansas does not have any puzzles in their thrift store and the ones for sale in the stores are exceptionally high in cost.   I had a puzzle catalog so ordered a couple for her, the hardest and biggest ones I could find...well, I'm generous like that...smile....um....wonder if she will still talk to me. . . well, her name for me might change.    Paula is a whiz at cross stitch and has made me some beautiful chair pillows.  I had her make on for each of my children.  Her work is perfection.   A couple are Thomas Kincade scenes and very beautiful.   I'll have to take some pictures to show you just how beautiful they are.  I will when I learn how to put the pictures on the computer.   This new little computer is great but I am still trying to master it...age ...old age...makes for slower going...not hard but I confuse easily these days.  The mind is a strange instrument so keep it tuned up.

Make today a day to challenge yourself.  Keep those brain waves in tune and sharp.    The more you use those brains the better off you will be.   Keep those dulcet tones humming loud and clear as silence is a lonely place.  Well that isn't always true, sometimes silence is good for us and it helps us to refresh our brains and clear out some of the garbage we hold on to.    So make up your own mind as to what your own brain needs today.    If undecided ...hum...it is good and clears the pathway to a bright and beautiful day....go....have a day to remember.  Hugs to all.


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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...