Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday All Day

A lovely picture of one of our mountains.  The clouds hover over the top making it look like a volcano ready to erupt.   See that face to the right of the mountain;   finally we get a look at the 'old man of the mountain' . . . looks a bit scary

Here we have a new Friday, dark out there this time of the morning.   No activity, quiet prevails and that isn't all bad.   Of course, it is only a little after six a.m. and I've been sitting here playing with pictures and enjoying some memories the faces and places bring back for the last hour or two. . . so, I'm an early riser, but . . . that doesn't mean I have a brain that wakes up filled with words to share.  Some mornings the words just don't want to free themselves from the brain; other mornings they spill out so fast it is scary.    Today is a day they don't want to spill period....there is little or no news to share.   The 'inmates' of our illustrious Ridgemont Apartments are being quiet, but then I haven't been around much for the last day or two as daughter Christine has been on a mission or two and included me in her rides out.    She had a meeting in a town near the casino and dropped me off to play awhile.  It was fun but management has decided to do away with the keno machines and it was sad to find them gone.   I could care less about the other slots as they are not interactive;  at least with the keno you get to choose different sets of numbers and have a chance for a small win or two to keep playing.   Maybe some new and different keno machines will come out.   Time will tell.

Here at Ridgemont I had drop in company which I enjoy.  Doris had been making her breakfast rolls so came in with a plate full for me and some to share with my girls.   Ron had stopped in to show me a puzzle on his little tiny computerized hand computer.  It was an impossible one with same color and shade so it was going to take a lot of time to get that little puzzle finished.   Doris told him to stop by on his way to his place and she would give him a couple of breakfast rolls.   That lady is a marvel, almost one hundred and has so much energy and such a kind and loving soul, we should use her as the emblem of great ageing.    What an example she is.

So today, check around and see who in your world is loving and giving and take time to appreciate them.   There is nothing better than to be in that bright light of sunshine emanating from a loving person who takes the time and energy to give of themselves to make each of us feel important and loved.    So copy and be an example of love today.    You are so capable and willing when you open up and share YOU with those you love and like, that your world becomes lighter and brighter.   So today you have a good deed to do and a bit of sharing and caring to do.  Get busy , don't let time just sit there, make it useful and open up those arms and share a hug or two.   Think of the calories you can use up and how much lighter you will be at the end of this day.   Go...hug a lot.   Hugs to all.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Good Morning

Dinner last night
A favorite flower.  This was a puzzle we did some time back.  I see a picture hanging in the Gallery just like this and always think it one of the best there.   There is always a great appeal in daisies.  I think I show this picture more than any other.    I am waiting for my daughter Christine to come bye and put the camera pictures on the computer so I can show you some new ones.   This new small lap top works great but I am not used to some of the features.   I am a slow learner, what can I tell you.   

We had a Santa workshop at the Gallery last evening and we sewed buttons on some little ribbon purses we are making up for "Ladies Night Out" in town, on a Friday evening.  The purses are made of ribbon and the button does nothing but decorate them and make them look fancy.   I had no idea if the fingers would work as I haven't had to sew a button on anything in a very long time.   It was with a bit of effort to make the fingers behave, but they did, and I think I got six or eight finished before the evening was over.   The pizza and wine party is always enjoyed and last night was no exception.   Zoey, our preteen age young lady was more than willing to thread the needle for me.  She is a delight and so smart.  I don't think she finds anything difficult to do.  She makes it all look so easy.    I remember those days.....the fingers don't....age has a way of showing who is the boss!!

I had a quiet day at Ridgemont yesterday and put a new puzzle on the puzzle board.  This one is going to be hard.  It has a lot of dark pieces that all look alike in shade and shape so it should keep me busy.   It is a scenic picture;  a bit of mountain int he back ground and a lot of meadow in  the forefront with the same shades of meadow land and a few flowers.   I should have realized when the frame went together so fast that the rest would not    A challenge, what else . . . if you find you have some free time, feel free, I don't mind a little help at all.  Just don't plan to come today as i am heading out the door.  Chris has a meeting over in another town and it is right by the casino and of course I agreed to keep her company.    Wise me....or foolish me....we'll find out before the day is over.

Thanks for the e mails and catch ups.  It is always good to know what you are doing with your seconds.    I am glad to know your health is good and you are taking good care of yourselves.   I wish you had reasons to come this way so I could get a real hug, but a verbal one will have to do.    This is the busy time of year as we go forward to the holidays;  won't be long before they will be here.   Time to start plans as to where you want to go, what you want to do, and what time to start writing up that list of gifts you will want to buy.    Sale shop it is better on the pocket book.   

Be good, be kind, be gentle of spirit and make some one person happy today by gracing them  with your company.   Stop off at the bakery and get a little something sweet to take along and share.   A tea party, or coffee or a cold drink if you prefer, will give you reasons to feel like 'queen' for a day;  or 'king' if you take time out to visit a friend or family member.    Sharing is caring.   So Share YOU with those you like and love.    Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hello There!!

A beautiful picture of the horse ranch, the Sierras in the background, and son Michael has to live right there. . .poor guy!!!He never complains and now we know why.    

Another awesome tree.  Nature has its own way of showing us how to display age and beauty.  The more ancient, the more beautiful.   I think it is Wisteria, not sure.

Good morning.   I have my coffee and and am sipping slowly in hopes of waking up.   It is after five a.m. and there is not a sound about inside or out.   I think the weather man said something about rain today and that would be a treat.  We have had a few drops but not enough to brag about.   The weather is changeable so it is what the old timers referred to as pneumonia weather;  no coat one day and a fur coat the next.   Pat and I had a ride out to MacDonald's for a soft ice cream and it was very tasty, been awhile since I have had one of those.    We had a summer day, hot and a soft wind, no idea what happened to the weather man's prediction about a rain storm coming through.   Erin got her four a.m. flight to Delaware and her uncle John was there to greet her.   

Jock is off to New Mexico deer hunting.  He called last evening to say he and his friend had no luck in sighting any yesterday.  It is extremely cold there right now so maybe the deer have found a warm haven and refuse to venture out....who could blame them.....not me!!One look at those big eyes and I couldn't shoot one..could you?    My hunting claim to fame is the ants on a kitchen counter.

So today is a good day to have a good day.   Do something 'good';  what, I have o idea, only you can fill in your seconds doing the things you love to do.   I hope they include a call to someone home bound, or a short visit to a shut in.   I hope you find reasons to give someone you like and love a hug today.   I hope you have a day that makes you happy inside and out.j   Go . . . be good, be kind, be gentle and share a little of you with those you like and love.    Verbal hugs are good, throw in one for the morning, one for the afternoon and one for the evening..I can take it...honest....I'll give them back when I see you.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Lone Ranch Beach pathway in Brookings, Oregon. . . an old haunt, a favorite place and I miss it very much.    
A cutie, wonder if she got a'd like fingernails like that.

In beautiful....

Debate. . . what debate?   Oh that one...nope, I didn't watch it.   I was having dinner with my granddaughter and daughters as Erin goes off to Delaware today to visit her Uncle John and checkout some of the colleges in that area.   She has always wanted to go to Gauludet, not sure of the spelling, but a famous college for those who are deaf, or have hearing problems .  There is another college she is interested in located in New York and they might make it up there as well.  She will be back next week for a few more days with us and then she will fly back to Hawaii and Donaleo as he finishes up his college work and hopefully they will come this way for awhile.   Time will tell.

Meanwhile, here at Ridgemont it was very quiet.   Another finished puzzle and a trip to the thrift store and found a couple of new ones to fact, one is already started on the puzzle board.  It is a beautiful scene which is much like Carson Valley in Nevada, a beautiful scene and it will be a monster but a fun one.My friend, Paula, called and she tells me her town in Arkansas does not have any puzzles in their thrift store and the ones for sale in the stores are exceptionally high in cost.   I had a puzzle catalog so ordered a couple for her, the hardest and biggest ones I could find...well, I'm generous like if she will still talk to me. . . well, her name for me might change.    Paula is a whiz at cross stitch and has made me some beautiful chair pillows.  I had her make on for each of my children.  Her work is perfection.   A couple are Thomas Kincade scenes and very beautiful.   I'll have to take some pictures to show you just how beautiful they are.  I will when I learn how to put the pictures on the computer.   This new little computer is great but I am still trying to master it...age ...old age...makes for slower going...not hard but I confuse easily these days.  The mind is a strange instrument so keep it tuned up.

Make today a day to challenge yourself.  Keep those brain waves in tune and sharp.    The more you use those brains the better off you will be.   Keep those dulcet tones humming loud and clear as silence is a lonely place.  Well that isn't always true, sometimes silence is good for us and it helps us to refresh our brains and clear out some of the garbage we hold on to.    So make up your own mind as to what your own brain needs today.    If undecided is good and clears the pathway to a bright and beautiful day....go....have a day to remember.  Hugs to all.


Monday, September 26, 2016

A New Week

And you thought I got all dressed up to say good morning to you . . .

Good morning.  It is Monday morning and it is after six a.m. and my coffee cup is refilled and I am ready to say good morning...I think.....maybe a few more sips and I'll be ready.    I actually  had to put the air conditioner on last night as it got to be almost 80 in the apartment.   The longer the day went the hotter it got . . . go figure!!   Vinnie came down to borrow a stamp and stayed on to put some pieces in the puzzle.   I think he gets lonely.   I found some of the little cars that are collectible and brought them to him from the yard sale so he was like a kid in a candy shop.  He collects little cars, but not that little.  Now he can look for a few of the smaller ones as these were all racers.  He did find a button to push and the little cars took off like a shot.   I can see him having races on his   We are reading some Western short stories by Louis Lamour and they are excellent.  What a writer.   An author with a way with words.

Other than that it was very quiet around here in Ridgemont.    I did get to go grocery shopping and walked Freddy's aisles.  I remembered most of what I needed but forgot half of what I wanted but that is what happens when you leave your shopping list on the table.    Of course I did not forget the most important buys, like cookies and coffee, why you can live forever on those two things.    I replenished my eggs and forgot the flour.    I did buy some lean bacon and plan a blt for my treat today.   One never tires of a BLT.....such flavor....especially when you have real true garden tomatoes to work with.    Well, I really am not hard to please, no matter what my girls tell you.   

So hopefully you have tomatoes growing in your garden and will choose a nice big red one and fix yourself a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich for your lunch.  Don't forget to add some chips....aha, that is what I forgot....and a juicy pickle...forgot those too.....guess it is time to take my list with me and not leave it on the table when I walk on the door.    Live and learn.....

So if you are shopping today don't forget to take  your list with you, or you will leave all the good stuff behind.    Come to think of it I forgot to buy grapes;  guess I will have to go back and do a little more shopping.

Make the beginning of your new week special, like you, and think of the wondrous deeds you can accomplish before the week is over.    Catch up on the Fall chores and get ready for over powering your family and friends with all the love you feel for them.    Start with kind words, open up those arms and have a walk in hug or two, and do smile a bit as it really does't do any harm.  BE YOU and SHINE.   Hugs to all.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Tree

I am not sure why, but it is called the angel tree...angle would be more like it.   It is fabulous,
 I'd like one in my back yard, if I had    There are trees here on this property but nothing like this one,  pines of all sizes seem to be the choice.  I love this one. It has character.  It has a big story to tell . . . so ancient, so worldly, so magnificent.  Be sure you stop to enjoy all the hidden treasures within its branches.

The yard sale was yesterday, all day, and after a slow start folks began to come out to enjoy what turned out to be a very beautiful Fall day.   It was like old times, greeting folks from the neighborhood and meeting some of the town folks as well.   There were a lot of folks that were looking for a special treasure and some who were happy to discover some lovely odds and ends to buy.   We had several compliments on our 'store' and the quality of our   I am sure Patricia, Erin and Christine were exhausted by days end as they really worked hard to put on a clean and organized yard sale.   I enjoyed greeting the folks and was an 'ear' for a couple of folks who had nothing better to do than stop and talk and talk and talk.    I still do not understand the folks that insist on bringing their dogs along, but they do.    We only had a couple of little ones and the rag dolls got a lot of attention as well as those little tiny wind up toys that make you laugh out loud.   I am for having one more half price sale and get rid of the rest of the 'stuff' but I don't think I can talk the ladies into it.   
 It is pitch black outside right now, don't think it is much after six a.m. and the workers are parking their cars getting ready for another work day.    You can tell the change in our weather as it gets dark much earlier and the early mornings are pitch black.  Winter is coming.

I have changed out my drapes and the winter ones are up.  It makes for a darker apartment.   The cooler is off for the winter and the fans put away.    I am trying to figure away to change the furniture around for the winter.    Not much I can do really but a change always makes me feel good.    I brought the rocking chair in from the  porch , now to find a nice new pillow for it.    It is low....hard to get out of, well you wouldn't understand that as you haven't reached that age yet.  BUT, let me give you fair warning, keep practicing getting up and down without the use of your hands and make your leg muscles stronger.   There will come a day.....well, you really don't want to hear about

So today, have a Sunday to relax and enjoy.    Rest day , as it should be.    Plan a light meal then you can have a special desert;  maybe a root beer float would be in order.    I'm thinking a hot fudge not?

Be a fun person today and make those you like and love smile a lot.    Get out the old records and play them.    The girls are still talking about the concert they went to the other night and the music.....ah much life and love it brings into our lives.    Can't sing?   Sure you can....okay then....if you really can't carry a sounds good and it does lift the spirit.  

Be good, be kind, be gentle and share at least a dozen hugs today.   Share YOU with those you love and like.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Good Morning!

Birds singing in the trees...dream a little dream of me.....a song, a little I remember.  A lovely sight, a picture to contemplate.  If I remember correctly, Jennifer took this picture in her yard up there in Nevada.    The birds are like notes on a scale.  

another Nevada scene, beautiful, serene, as the day closes and all is right in our world.

I wrote a poem about Nevada a long time ago.  I called it Shadows of Nevada.

"The river runs deep and wide,blue of color,as the sun subsides/surrounding mountains jutting high/ playas lost within hills of gravel/a tarmac ribbon of road to travel/ silt and stones of ruby red/green hues from the yucca beds.  a plane flies over, high in the sky, casting its shadow on the foothill rise, undulating as it moves along, all too soon it is gone.  the shadows darken changing shapes/of the mountains and the rivers great/the colors fade to black ad gold/hiding the colors that were so bright/day is changing into night/white foam ripples at river's edge/a cresting moon upon a ledge/passing the river as the road winds west/dreams of shadows when we take our rest."   JMS.

I hope when you look  your camera for a walk, you took pictures that bring back wonderful memories.    I have been lucky enough to live in many places and enjoyed so many faces, friends,  aah, what would we do without them.   I hope you find pictures that bring back memories of life that sparkled.    

Today is yard sale day so I am off to help.   I'll have tales to tell tomorrow.    Go, have yourself a wonderful Saturday, find time to have some fun . . . go to a yard sale and find a treasure.    Just think of us and trying to get rid of some of those treasures we found and are now finding new homes for them.   Time to change.  Time to find some new and different decorations for the home.    Winter is about to come and we need some warm mementos to get us through the season.     We really do not need new ones as holiday decorations will soon take over.    Are you ready?   I'm not....but we have time.  Dig out the boxes, throw out the broken pieces, go shopping and find some new bobbles ...stop at the yard sale and you are sure to find something.

Make today a good good, be kind, be gentle and best of all be loving.   Hugs to all.

Friday, September 23, 2016


A sunshine smile . . . Angie . . . a special love

Sunshine and Grapes
Sunshine and Shadows

 No sunshine and shadows around here today, a little mist at the moment with hope of a little rain before the day is over.    We would like to see the rain come and go as tomorrow is yard sale day and we have spent some hours getting it all ready.   Amazing how much we accumulate over the months.   If we had all we saved during the years we would be homeless.    We ladies spent some time arranging the garage to look like a little shop and it does.   Lots of pretty things from books to dolls to lovely pieces of glass and many useful tools and household pieces that have lots of wear in them yet.    I opened one of the boxes I packed up when I down sized, pieces I thought were much to nice to give up.  That mood passed as I stood there reliving a memory or two and finally decided there just isn't room in my little studio apartment for anything else.  The only way I could salvage a memory or memento or two is to give up some of what decorates my little place now and I am not ready to do that.    I added four of my collector mugs to my cupboard and that is dumb as there really isn't room for them.   I probably wont ever use them.   I should stick with the idea if you don't use them then lose them.  I have not even missed them once I got over the idea I really truly didn't need them.   Yet . . . smile . . .  they do look good...ah, the familiar . . .   memories of trips gone bye, places and faces like sunshine and shadows, part of my history.  So the damned if I do and damned if I don't remains.  I laughed to see Chris pick up a dish and decide to take it home.   She doesn't need another dish of any kind but the appeal was just to great to let it stay there.   Some of the little things Pat was going to put into the sale seem to find there way back on a shelf . . . some things have special meanings and stay and that is as it should be.    We don't pick up these little specialties at yard sales because we don't like them. . . smile.

So get up, put on your shoes and go for a ride around your town and see what yard sales are out there.  You might just find a treasure you have been hoping to find.   Maybe that book you have been looking for is waiting to be retrieved.  Could be that lovely soup tureen you have always wanted is sitting out on a table waiting to be rescued by you.  

Make your seconds count today.   Be good, be kind, be gentle.  Speak in a soft voice and smile with your eyes.   Spread a little light and a lot of love.   Hugs, you cannot have to many of them and oh how good they feel.   Hug away.  Hugs to all.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Every morning, same old story, who is that stranger in the mirror???   

A picture shows a thousand words.  That is quite a row of Senators and  Congressmen who are to lazy to get up and salute the flag while in session.   Does 'fire the lot of them' start to make should.

I read the report last night when my girls came home from the concert.   They had a great time and I can will get a first hand review when I see them today.   Tracy Nelson, one of the singers who made them 'hum a tune or two' back in the sixties and seventies.    I was not invited.   It must have been those comments I made when I asked who was making all that noise when they had her recording on.   Nope, have not changed my mind.   There is just a gap in our thought process as to what is music and what is not.   According to my children, my music puts them to sleep.....and their music gives me nightmares.   A little thing called The Gender Gap!!!   Well, I do like Willie Nelson...doesn't everyone?   
 It was quiet here at Ridgemont yesterday.  A beautiful Fall day.   The wind was up so no walk out but the sun was bright and warm.   The leaves are falling and I have saved a few beauties within a book, hoping they will serve well when we make the terrariums.    That will be a fun session at the Gallery come October.  Say that word out year is closing in on us.  

We said goodbye to Lil yesterday , her last day with us and she is off to a new home in Arizona closer to her youngest daughter.   She was excited and happy to be leaving the northwest for the better hotter weather of Arizona as she has arthritis throughout her body and suffers greatly.  Hopefully the change in climate will be good for her.   We will miss her bright personality and especially her laugh.  We have had quite a few changes this past year and I suspect more in the offering.  I had a long read with Vinnie yesterday and find he is restless.   He does not want to give up our reading session, yet, he, if you will excuses the expression, is a pain in the 'arse' with his antics.   He seems bored out of his skull, yet swears he is fine which I find hard to believe as he talks about a red car out in the parking lot he would like to own, or about the bus stopping to pick up passengers, or wanting to be rich and traveling the world.    The vagaries of old age.  It is when he finds one of my eyelashes out of place and puts me under the microscope that I take exception.

So today requires patience.   We will have to strive to be patient and understanding, not easy to do, so easy to say.   Take extra time to be a true friend and see what you can do to make some one you love feel you full attention.    Maybe then he or she will find a little peace and contentment and 'shine'.    A bear hug is a good start.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The stillness, the quiet, the peace of a new morning, silence at its best.  What a lovey painting this would be to have hanging on your wall.  When restless or troubled you could sit in your easy chair and relax and take your mind for a walk through the valley.   The fog would lift slowly and the forest would come alive with the humming of the birds and all of the little forest creatures would be up and about and you would bask in the quiet, the shrouded fog and your heart would rest in the quiet of this beautiful world.    I had two such pictures, which I treasured, and spent many moments resting my mind with a walk in a mountain path, through huge redwoods and a bit of mist.  If I sit quietly, I can  bring to mind the beautiful scenes of Brookings, Oregon where I used to live. I can picture the redwoods and the ocean and feel the quiet.    I can walk the path of Lone Ranch beach and hear the thunder of the waves, see the driftwood piled high and the mountain stream fighting its way to the ocean.    Yet, here in the northwest we are surrounded by like scenes.   The inland water ways with their boats of all sizes and shapes.  The tall pine and fir trees, the two lane roads and the inland lakes that grace the earth with a sense of timelessness.    Nature is with us every where we look, we just have to take time to see it, to feel it and most of all to enjoy it.  

So today, take time to look around you.    Sometimes we are so busy we don't take time to see the familiar and enjoy it.   Don't be so caught up with the art of living that you do not participate in the actual living.    Your seconds are your treasure.   Take time to use them wisely.    Once gone they are never to be replaced.    Today . . . a good sound . . . know the seconds tick away and once gone they are long forgotten and we get busy using up new ones.   It is like we will never run out . . . but we do . . . . so, be wise, be brave, be alive, be useful, be kind and be gentle .   That is a lot to 'be' in one day, but you can do it;  be a 'show me' and brighten up your corner of the world.  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Meet Arlo!

 What a cutie...Arlo and Grandma Jennifer live the life of Riley up there in Nevada.

Now that is attitude.

It must be something in the air!

Attitude,    it can be mellow or not . . . it can be ferocious or not . . . It can be many things but first thing in the morning watch out as it may not be sweet and gentle until that first cup of coffee.  I have had my first two sips so it is safe to stop by.

It is Tuesday all day, no special plans today but a work detail as Patricia is thinking yard sale and Erin is here to help set it up.  They will find a spot for me and put me to work and that will be fun.  We have always had a lot of fun putting a sale on , a lot of hard work, but once set up it is fun to meet and greet the folks who stop in looking for a treasure. 
I spent a quiet day yesterday and put out a new bird puzzle on the puzzle board.   It is only five hundred pieces and very bright and beautiful.   I haven't got the frame in yet, but working on it.   It is not going to be as easy as I thought, so the challenge is on.    

It is quiet here at Ridgemont.   The weather is changing and it was lovely to walk to the corner and back yesterday.  The wind was up but not to bad and the leaves were falling on the ground so I had a few colorful choices to add to my table decoration.   I have a collection of small pine cones and a few rocks that fit into a special dish I have, a gift from Bob and Andrea, reminiscent of a sea shell and it adds a bit of beauty to my table.   It must be special as I do get a lot of compliments on it.   It doesn't take much to add a bit of whimsy or color to your table.   So don't be afraid to go leaf hunting today and bring a little of the outside in.    The colors of Fall...ah!!

If you are looking for the rake,it is right where you left it last go, get a little exercise and a lot fresh air and enjoy your day.   Do stop for a coffee break and invite your neighbor over and share a bit of time and a treat or two.    If you are lucky, maybe your neighbor will see how hard you have been working and bring you out a cup of coffee and share some break time with you.   Either way, it is a good way to share your seconds on a lovely Fall day.    

Be good, be kind, be gentle and be ambitious today.  Hard work makes for a strong body.  I am not sure if it makes for a strong mind, but, I think it does.    Just know fresh air chases away those cobwebs, your mind clears, and you start thinking about all the good deeds you can get done in one or a dozen, it is up to you.    Just don't sit there, get to work.    Put a smile on your face, hum a tune or two and enjoy the day.    Hugs to all.

Monday, September 19, 2016

It is Monday again.

Maxine, never a loss for words.    Leaning on the rake will not get the job done . . . you have to move those arms so the pile will be big enough to give you a hiding place.    The election is scary . . . not even a choice . .. . the lesser of two evils????  which one????  Politics and rearing ones ugly head seems to usual......

Lemon Baum pictured by Ron Boreng o Flick. What an  unusual plant.  A little like a pineapple, maybe a little orchid, lavender leaves and a beauty all its own.

Serenity . . . reflection . . . the last of a summer day.

Here it is Monday all over again.    How lucky we are to have a new beginning.    The days go back in time and we have mid September heading for October already.   The older you get the faster time flies and circles into a whirlwind of used seconds.    It was a quiet weekend inside and out.    King Louis of Gallery fame had his one man show at the local movie theater but I haven't heard how he did.   I have seen his show and it is really well done and very informative as he once worked for the railroad and has many tales to tell.   In his show he takes you aboard his train and you go from Chicago to the west coat and listen to all of the history and adventure of train travel.  Our Louis is a man of words and he does a tremendous job not only of telling tales but showing the marvelous photographs he has taken over the rails.    His photography is outstanding.     It is too bad he is not taped so his work could be shown far and wide.    Louis also putters in wood and has come up with some really original pieces.  We have a huge one in the gallery to display some of the creative offerings of the artists.  There are some tiles that are fabulous, bright, cheerful and not dream catchers, but eye catchers and so well done.    The tiles are gorgeous and a great way to brighten up a room.    I will have to take my camera over to the gallery and take some close ups to show you.

A quiet Sunday here at Ridgemont.   I spent alone time and it wasn't all bad.   A new puzzle on the table, a half read book, a little sketching, and two old Tammy movies that were cute and enjoyable.   There was a lot of silence here within the walls.    I did read to Vinnie for a good hour.  We have a detective novel going and are more than half way.   I'll be glad to be finished with it as some of the gangster words stick to the tongue. I can swear with the best but not in front of company.   smile.

I hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed your seconds.   I hope you found a lot of love and hugs come your way.    I hope you are enjoying beautiful Fall weather and are keeping up with the leave raking.  How lucky you are to have leaves to rake.    They have a team of gardeners who work around the buildings here.    Not the same as being in your own yard with rake in hand.   Think Halloween it is coming up fast.   Get out the decorations and do a bang up job.  Buy lots of goodies for the little ones and share a bit with the older ones.   I like treats . . don't you?   

Be good, be kind, be gentle and share YOU with those you like an love.    Don't be stingy. . . share a hug or two . . . a peck on the cheek feels good. YOU.  Hugs to all.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


You may not need one, but I do!!!   I am always in need of a so good!!!

Linticular clouds.   Big, puffy, beautiful, like space ships flying bye.    A beautiful shot of our heavenly visitors on a bright and sunshine day.    Nevada has a lot of these ;  a canvas painted by heaven's own artist.     How lucky we are, all we have to do is look up and be amazed.   Story clouds are such fun.   A great way to use your imagination.

Here is is Sunday morning, quiet, dark outside right now and not a creature is stirring, most sleeping in I bet.    Erin is going to get up and fix a special lemon pancake breakfast for us this morning.  A special treat and so delicious.   It will be a delicious treat so I don't mind putting my shoes on early this morning.    I'd invite you over but you are just too far away.

Chris and I made the trip to Costco yesterday and I walked all of the aisles.   I must have done them at least  twice trying to find a few items I had in mind.    I was lost in this huge place and had no idea where anything was so I had to go on a hunt.   I did find a couple of items on my list, but missed out on one or two things I had in mind.  I guess it is to early for the special cookies to be out.  I expected to find some Halloween things but there wasn't much out;  a bit early I guess.    The place was crowded .   It is amazing how many folks are pushing a basket filled with goodies of all kinds.    I looked over the clothing specials, some new winter sweaters were out and I was saddened to find the quality missing.   Usually you can find a decent sweater but this year they are like tissue paper, more imports from China.   I wonder whatever happened to quality.    I guess you have to go to a specialty shop and then pay a king's ransom to own one.   I honestly don't groan and moan about clothing but it is all about prices.   Now if the income would increase then I'd have nothing to gripe and groan about, doesn't and I do.

So find reasons not to gripe and groan today.   Find reasons to enjoy your Sunday.   Stop and buy some special treats , or bake a cake or cupcakes or cookies , anything that will please the palate and share with a family member or a friend or two.    Make it a tea party day and share you with those you like and love.

Be good, be kind, be and bring some sunshine wherever you go.    Sunday is a day to share seconds . . . a little time at church, a little time on the knees, a little time at the candle stand, a lot of time making up for any and all things you didn't do and was suppose to....never to late to catch up with yourself and do a few of those good deeds.    Each one makes a step up in the right direction.    So what are you waiting for?   Get busy . . . Be YOU and bring a few hugs along.  Hugs to all.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Good Morning

 Wonder who will try and walk the 'plank' ?   I wouldn't dare.    Nature at its best.
Time to get up and get going!!
Jock is always happy when fishing.

Good morning.  it is Saturday again and the weekend is here ...what to do?   Shopping at Costco is on the menu this morning.  Time to replace some of those items we have on our forever list and although everything comes in large packaging, they seem to run out fast.    I get to walk the aisles and get in some exercise.   I have a short list and luckily can share with my daughters.   I have to go check some things out and see if I have to add anything more to my list.    

We ladies watched a Tom Selleck movie, part of the Jesse Stone sagas.  I had just read one of the books to Vinnie and thought it was boring and time consuming as it took forever to get through it.  I hate to say the movie was not much better.   The television series was better;  the movie was disappointing.    The book reads so much better than the movie, but that often happens.    I think Christine said she had a couple of more at home, but I think I'll pass the next ones.    

A friend asked for some photographs of Erin  but I haven't taken any as yet.    My camera was in need of repairs and hopefully working well now so I will get busy.  The only pictures taken since her arrival were by her with her camera and she has not sent any over on the computer for me to share.   Be patient.  I'll get around to it yet.    She is very busy going through all of her things, sorting and get rid of extra stuff.   It is that time of year.   I should open my closet door and anything that falls out is fair fodder for the junk pile.

So today, take time out to check a closet or two and see if you an unload a few items that you no longer wear.   Two to one, the article of clothing does not even fit anymore.    Amazing how size changes just hanging in a

It is Saturday , all day, so make it a fun one.    Busy is good but playing is better.   Take time out and have a little fun along the way.    The weather is beautiful right now so plan a cookout and get good use of the outdoor cooker.    All you have to do is figure out just what appeals to your fancy nature and cook it up.    Invite me, I'll come.

Be good, be kind, be gentle.    Treat someone you love extra special today.    Share YOU with those you like ad love.    Don't forget hugs, best desert you can serve up.    Be generous.   Be YOU.  Hugs to all.

Friday, September 16, 2016


A truism or wishful thinking!

Paula and her handsome grandson.    Both looking terrific.    

Sometimes those political cartoonist 'hit the nail on the head'.

The week is ending and it has been a fun one with the arrival of grand daughter Erin.   She is such a joy to have around.    We went to the Tea Room for the half sandwich, soup or salad, and pie for desert luncheon and , as usual, they did a bang up job.   Erin decided not to have pie ...that is until she decided to take a taste of the coconut creme pie and that ended her 'diet';  way to good to let sit    The tea room has always been a favorite of mine but lately they have made some changes and have become a little more commercial and it leaves the cozy feeling far behind.   They have added a card shop area , expensive, but a great choice of cards.   It is such fun to stand there picking and choosing as you laugh out loud at some of them.    We walked the pie off as we did a little grocery shopping on the way home.   It is always best to shop for food after   I think you have more of an inclination to stay with your list and leave all the goodies behind.  

I had a reading night so am getting a later start this morning.   I am going to make my coffee and wake up.   The weather should be good today, a little cloudy for the early hours then bright sunshine and the temperature goes up.  Indian summer at its best.    Right now the cars are all in their spots and the little yellow jeep is missing, someone must have slept in or took a day off.    The blinds are still drawn over at the hospital wing and quiet prevails.    So I am going to wish you a bright and beautiful day and go plug in the coffee pot so I can have a cup of coffee and wake up.

Be good, be kind, be gentle and find some interesting things to do with your seconds today.    Make sure you are a good neighbor.  Be a good friend.     Be sociable today.   Smile a lot.    Pass out a hug or two and to have a piece of your favorite pie and enjoy it so your taste buds get a treat.    Don't stop there, go and extend a helping hand;  someone needs YOU today.    Lucky YOU...Go!!!  Enjoy today.  Hugs to all.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Good Morning To YOU!

We would have it made in the shade.    We have a great pizza place here and every month we manage to order a large one that seems to disappear without any effort at all and I have not heard one complain about calories.

This picture was on Facebook yesterday so I copied it to the blog.   It brought back some great memories of winter rides.  The first snow is always beautiful .

Our first day with Erin was wonderful.  She looks great and had so many tales to tell.   She just finished helping a photographer with a desire to help the parents of deaf children , getting them to learn sign language and participate in the events in life.    There is so much we do not know about what goes on in our world.   Some folks have what we think of as a handicap but they don't think so and go on to learn and to teach others to take an active part in life.   Erin is a role model when it comes to showing what a person with a hearing loss can accomplish.  She has the right attitude and the willingness to participate in life which brings about a hearing all its own.    
Pat and Erin spent some time in the kitchen yesterday and Chris and I had  treat for our dinner.    Gazpacho cold soup was a beginning and then we went on to a very special mushroom treat that was delicious, ending with a desert Christine got from our special bakery here in Port Orchard and a taste of their lemon tarts.   All I can say is having super chefs in the kitchens here makes for a very satisfied customer and all I have to do is come....spoiled???  Nah, not me....well...maybe a little.

We took time to watch a movie about ships and stormy seas which was well done and could make you fear the ocean .  It was a Disney film which surprised me.  They are usually calmer , but not this one.  

A walk around the yard, more beautiful red tomatoes to pick and a lot of plums falling from the tree.   Good exercised...bend, stoop, pick up, bend, stoop pickup...see, I have the routine down pat.  

So today enjoy your back yard.  Check things out and see what needs doing.  It is the winding down of the season.  Time to think of the chores to get ready for the oncoming winter.    Leaves to be raked.  They have a crew at Ridgemont so we don't get a chance to play in the leaves.   Up in Carson City there were two very tall old oaks in the yard where I lived in an apartment and it was such fun to go help the landlord rake up the leaves.   Knee deep would be putting it mildly.   Make the best of what you have and go play outside int he leaves.  It is very good for YOU.....makes you feel young again....makes you want to play outside and be young again. good, be kind, be gentle and make today the best one yet.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Today...She is Here!

I'm waiting.  i'm waiting.  She's coming.  I bet her plane has landed.   
Erin...She is coming in from Hawaii today and we will have her for two whole weeks.   Christine is on her way to pick her up at the airport.    Pat is peppering as her car broke down and she has to wait patiently for Christine to pick up Erin in her truck and there is only room for two.   One of those events that happen just when you want everything to go all right.    The best laid plans......happens to the best of us.   A little patience and soon we will all be smiling.   Happy tears this morning and lots of bear hugs.   
I'll be back tomorrow.  I am going to get dressed, put my shoes on and join the party;  you can come and join the gab session as Erin will have lots of tales to tell.

Be good, be kind, be gentle, and have a family get together if you can . . . family...has a nice ring to it.    How special each family member is.  How much love goes around and around when the family members get together and share time.    If your family members cannot join you today, pick up a phone and let them know you miss them and you love them.    Don't waste seconds ;  just do it.
Not everyone has a family . . .  but . . .  and the but is a good can adopt one.  Over the years I often adopted a grandparent or two for my children and never regretted a minute, for they brought love and laughter into our lives as we brought it into theirs.     Don't be bashful, adopt a family if you don't have one and make your life sparkle with love and laughter.

Go, be a mentor of good will and happiness as only you can be.   Hugs are to be shared in case you forgot.    Ten hugs a day....well, start with one and work up to can do it.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


One of my favorite pictures.   We had a tiny bird flying around the corridors yesterday in no hurry to get outside again.   It flitted and fluttered all around the activity room and down the corridor before deciding to take wing and go back out in the sunshine.
A finished puzzle from some time ago;  beautiful daisies;  a favorite flower.   I see pictures at the Gallery just like this and the artists do a great job.   I should have glued this one together as I cannot afford the ones on the Gallery wall.    There is something about daisies that make the heart feel good.  

Tuesday and the week goes along as it should.    Yesterday I was invited to Patricia's home to watch Netflick and the "Madame Secretary" series which, by the way, is well done and very interesting.  The season finished so I have to wait for a new season.    Pat made a special lasagna that made the appetite sit up and take notice.  Delicious and healthy.  She is always looking for dishes that are healthy and weaves a bit of magic in her cooking.    My daughter is very protective of me and usually has me sit quietly with a cup of tea, but . . . yesterday I took myself for a walk out in her back yard and I got to water her gardens, pick up some fallen plumbs and be useful for a change.   I keep telling her I wont break and actually can still be useful.    It is the exercise that keeps the body going.  We old timers just don't move as fast as we used to.    Christine made a lovely salad and of course the crusty bread was there for the asking.    I love bread, especially that crusty kind, then top it off with a nice Merlot and all is right with the world.

Coffee is ready and so am I, so off I go to tackle the closet today.   I talked about it the other day but did nothing . . . now comes the task of doing away with some of the old clothing that is thread bare yet hard to throw away.  It sill still brings back a memory or two of some good times, but it really is worn out and should be allowed a soft demise.  One more wearing will not do . . .out. . . now to make room for some spot free tops.   If you haven't worn it in a year or more it is time for it to be tossed . . .um. . . easier said than done.   It is that time of year.  It is time to take out the winter clothing and hang it up.    I'm laughing as I wear the same things all year round;  who am I kidding about seasonal change;  sweat shirts work all year round, not fancy, not pretty, but oh so comfortable.    I miss my fancy ones with the pretty designs on them.  I wonder where that box went to when I moved.    I seem to have lost or misplaced a couple of boxes of favorite things.   I hope they found good homes.    

I am off to have my  coffee.  If you were here I'd pour you a cup.    There is a bagel with my name on it and some delicious grape jelly the girls made last week.   Go, have a spectacular day and do something you have been wanting to do.   Be sure you are good, kind, gentle and loving so those around you will benefit from all your good deeds today.    Go rake some leaves.    Be that one special person that brings joy and a hug or two.    Hugs to all.

Monday, September 12, 2016

September Rolls On!

There is something special about a morning in early fall.   
Today is a good day to light a candle for those you like and love;  for those who have reached  Heaven's gate and for all the souls who are in need of a prayer.

A new week starting and we wonder what it will hold for us.    We do enjoy our weekend and the down time it allows us to celebrate in our own way.    Some of us go out for a Sunday ride , maybe a stop at the mall, but others find their way to church and say a prayer for those of us who are in need and sometimes I think that need is there for all the world to see.    I could have watched news but that gets 'old hat' with the constant drumming of all the bad things going on in our world.   I would think those who are in charge of the news broadcasts  would take time out to find some of the news that has a bit of love and laughter in it.   There is a lot of 'stuff' going on that we really do not want to hear about;  what we want to hear is some of the good things that are going on and there really are many wonderful events, people and places to crow about.    As for me personally, I didn't do much this weekend.  I had some down time.  It is a necessary stop in a busy week and one we need to take so we can rekindle some love and laughter in our lives.    All work and no play...the old adage that reminds us to be whole and not 'one way'.   Here at Ridgemont it was very quiet.    Most showed for dinner at eleven a.m.;  a not so 'hot' time for dinner when we are used to having a lunch, but beggars cannot be choosers.   If we stay in, then we abide by the rules.    One can't complain about that special blueberry pie they serve on Sundays.    Vinne showed up so we had a read.  I am having a few problems with the dialog as the 'bad guy' has quite a mouth on him and his words are not easy to say so I ignore them.   It is interesting to see how fast the brain works coming up with a different word  to ease over the ugly ones.    Reading to oneself is one thing ;  reading to someone out loud is another.    Vinnie is enjoying the detective story and gets a chuckle out of some of the events described, probably brings back a memory or two of his old dating days.    The author is not afraid to be explicit ...gee whiz....I'll have to find a different story line as the explicit details can be difficult to read out loud.    smile.     What is that song????   Memories!!!   What??? YOU are you do have tales to tell.

I'm off to get a start on a new week.  I have some housework to get done today as I played lazy over the weekend and never did lift a duster.  I like the new feathery ones, easy to use and they do a good job.    I have a few new 'old' cd's to put on;  did you know humming makes the work faster and easier???  It does, try it.  With Fall here it is time to put away the summer things and get out the fall things.   Cleaning the closet alone can take a day or two.  So be good, be kind, be gentle and show that someone you love a lot of attention today....just because you does make your world go around.   Just make one person happy today and tell them to pass it on.    Hugs to all.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September Sunday

Even the bramble bushes have a sense of beauty, changing, soon they will be gone until spring time comes again.
Brown eyed beauties.
The humming bird;  a messenger of love.

Sunday is here again, comes around quickly it seems.   The weather was really lovely this past week and the side yards are showing off the spectacular colors of Fall.   I found a few colorful leaves to bring back from my walk, then placed them between the leaves of a book in hopes they will dry out and be an addition to one of the October projects.  I spent a short time at the Gallery with Christine yesterday morning and listened in as she and Louis were plotting and planning a floor change.  They were moving cases and objects around on paper trying to find the magic way to introduce folks to the spectacular artists paintings and retain the look of the office area without it taking over the better spaces.   It will be interesting to see what they finally decide on.    I am sure a few of the board members will want to have some import, especially those who are avid volunteers and spent time at the gallery.    I did get a bit more of the inventory done, but not much as it needs a better plan to get everything accounted for.   

Our day actually got very hot.   I thought of putting the air conditioner on to cool the apartment down.   I guess Indian summer has arrived without warning.    The old timers used to call this season pneumonia weather as one never knew whether to wear a bathing suit or a fur coat as the days went from cold to hot  trying to decide whether to let summer go and winter in.    Fall, a lovely time of year and certainly one of glorious color.

The moods have been swinging back and forth this week.   Not sure if it is the season or the lack of plans to accept that the winter months are coming faster than we realize.   Time just does not stand still.    I know that it is the season to make closets neater and a time to get rid of those items which you have not worn in a couple of years.   Saving them for some day which never does come.   I have clothes that date back to 'working days' and that was a really long time ago.   They still have 'wear' so why dispose of them as 'someday' I might wear them again.    Think I had better try and see if they still fit, bet they don't.  Fall is the time for cleaning clutter from out lives, easy to say but harder to do.   I'll sit and think awhile and maybe, just maybe I'll lighten the load.

So today, lighten your load.    Find time and patience to think about what you do or do not want to keep in your closets.    If you have not worn a piece of clothing in the last year, it probably means that you wont wear it ever again.    Time for tossing, cleaning out, clearing out, getting rid of excess baggage...well it wasn't always baggage, it used to be 'special' and for one reason or another it has lost its luster so it is time....time to make room for new winter items.  Do pack away some of the 'good' stuff as you will be looking for it in the next warm season.    We all have favorite items of clothing that we just cannot live without.    

Be good, be kind, be gentle.   Share YOU with those you like and love.    Open up those arms and share a bear hug or two.    A peck on the cheek does wonders for the morale.    Go, be YOU and have a Sunday that you will remember for years to come.    Hugs to all.

Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...