What a terrific picture. One of beauty. Nature at its best.
What is going on around here??? No much. The weather has stayed cool and lovely. We did get some sunshine yesterday but I chose to stay indoors and be lazy. I have a puzzle going so it takes time to find the pieces. Pat pops in and puts a few in and that is fun. She brought me the local newspaper which I do not ordinarily look at; no special reason; just like the cryptoquote which is always difficult to complete. Pat and Christine made jam out of the big blackberries growing in Christine's garden. I am looking forward to tasting it.
The blinds are open, the sky is like the colors of a rainbow spread out in a huge cloud with a light blue backing of pure sky. No breeze so the trees are still. Quiet prevails. The tree tops look like little tiny Christmas trees with their branches bending waiting patiently to dance in the wind. It makes for a lovely scene and brings pleasure to the eye as one waits for the day to begin. No special plans for today, probably get to the grocery store as 'there is nothing in this house' as the proverbial cry goes....meaning....nothing good, nothing sweet although that isn't true as Doris made breakfast rolls and put some in a bag and hug them on my door. I am not eating them...yet....smile......waiting for the girls to drop in. I am running low in some of the staples so will make my list and be ready when the girls plan a trip to the store.
We have been told to expect a heat wave this week so the thought leads to a trip to the beach. I have not been there as yet, think it is about two hours away. All we have to do is convince Christine she needs to take some time out. She really does as she is always so busy and all work and not play makes for stress and strain. She really could use a break, now how do I talk her into it? I hope I can be persuasive. So if you do not see a blog for a day or so, you will know I was successful.
So start your new week off with a smile, a load of ambition to complete all the tasks you set out for yourself. The garden produce is coming through so canning might be in store. Then you could have company so you may have to take time out to show them around town and relax and enjoy yourself. You know the adage of 'all work and no play' . . . so get out there and play a little. If I were there I'd join you , work can always be done another day. . .if you can get away with it. . .smile.
Take time out to do some one thing you really want to do today. Start your week off the right way. Be good, be kind, be gentled and make it two good deeds today. Stop in and visit your church, light a candle for a few of the souls waiting to get into the garden gate. I am off to add water to the beautiful garden bouquet Pat brought over yesterday. Huge white mums and some yellow whatcha macallums.... so beautiful and so lovely to look at. Go out to your garden and pick a bouquet and make your room shine. Flowers light up a room . . . ah!!!Light up the soul is more like it. How lucky to have a flower garden.
All together now....be kind, be gentle, be a welcome mat; open the door and let a few folks in for a cup of hot coffee, chocolate, tea, water....you have plenty so SHARE....and add YOU to the mix., Make it a 'banner' day....filled with love and laughter, a bit of hard work, a bit of lazy time out and don't be stingy with the hugs. It is amazing how folks really truly need a HUG!!!! So 'hug' away and have a great day. Hugs to all.
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