Saturday, July 9, 2016


Sydney Art Gallery and the new Flower Power Show has been hung.

In Hunan Province there is a 68 foot long bridge, 718 feet above ground.   Israeli  architect Haim Dotan takes credit for the glass bridge.  Imagine what it feels like taking a walk over that chasm.
How well we know life is not perfect.  I'd vote for sweat pants to be the normal wear for a daily outing.   You have to admit they do not do a lot for the fashion world, but oh the comfort world, now that is something else again.  As for 'junk food, you know we couldn't exist without it.  Imagine having to give up your favorite brownie or a big fattening doughnut....heaven forbid.  Guys will remain confusing, but they say the same thing about us gals.   Isn't there an old adage about never the twain shall meet. . . it is fun to keep trying.   As for goodbyes. . . I think I like Hello better.

A weekend already, wow, this past week went bye in a hurry.   The weather stayed comfortable, a few short drizzles but not enough to get your hair-do wet.   Vinne showed up for a reading and we finished the Navy book.   Now on to some murder and mayhem.   He had gone down and picked up his mail, another package, I think he buys everything and anything and this time it was a tiny car that was really well made to add to his collection.    He has airplane models in his bedroom and automobiles in his living room.   Soon he will run out of space.   He hasn't invited us to see his collection as yet.  I think he said something about having to spruce things up before he can have company.    We had one of those dinners that promote a gas effect on the body so he was at my door looking for something to ease his problem.   He has money for everything but the necessities of life;  I guess that is what friends are  

The blinds are open, the day is a soft one, grey skies and no wind, a usual Northwest day.   The workers are coming in for the day shift , moving slowly;  fixing hairdos; walking slowly into the building as they prepare for another shift with the folks who are ill and confined to a hospital bed.  It is a blatant reminder that one of these days anyone of us could be a guest over there.  They will be very surprised we know them already as we see them each morning walking pass the windows here at Ridgemont.  

I am going off to the Gallery today as both of my daughters are on duty.  I have some inventory work to finish up.   Did I tell you there was another bout with a thief who stole the money bag this time.   It is sad to think there is someone so low they would steal the little token given to the up keep of the gallery.    First a picture, then the cash box, and now the daily receipts.   It is so sad to know there is a thief among us.  

It is time for a refill then off to get dressed and out the door.    I hope you are doing just that; preparing for a new day filled with challenges.   If you choose to have a down day, that is fine, but if you have some extra pep and energy, call a friend and go shopping, stop for a bite of lunch and do a little catch up.  Share you with those you like and love.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and be a blessing instead of a pain in the "arse" .   Be a 'show off' and let every one know how truly wonderful you really are.    Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...