I didn't know some one took my picture...smile.
Hump day is over and we had a Santa Workshop at the gallery last evening. We tried to master the art of metal wrap where you take a long piece of wire and shape it to a small jar; sounds easy, well I have news for you, it is not and the end results were sad to say the least. I don't know who comes up with some of the designs to work on but they sure don't show up to put them into action. We struggled and got a few jars done but I hate to tell you that they are not objects to be admired. I think the whole idea should be swept under the rug and something new and different thought up as a decorating item for one of the affairs. The pizza was good, as was the company, I brought a few pieces home and shared them with friend, Doris, down the hall and she was all smiles. She loves pizza. I never thought I'd live to see the day that pizza would cost thirty dollars delivered to your door; outrageous, and not worth it in my estimation but then I have that old depression pocketbook and mentality, although some folks take it for granted that it is worth it. Life sure has changed in so many ways and not all to my liking. I wonder if the stores carry the pizza dough. I remember a bakery that used to carry the dough and you could buy it by the pound, take it home, pat it out and make a pizza that was delicious and healthy as well, and it didn't cost an arm and a leg.
It is hard for some of us old timers to accept all the changes that have come about, especially in the price of food. We came up in the Depression era and we learned to make do. We certainly didn't waste ..anything....and back in our old neighborhood we shared. There was no way anyone would not share what they had as it was a want not , waste not neighborhood. Speaking of waste, I was in a thrift store yesterday and was amazed at the prices. The cast offs are given freely, then priced like the stores. I don't get it. The societies want to clothe the naked, fed the hungry and then price the free items sky high . It just doesn't make sense. Another 'idea' of change.
Okay, enough griping and groaning about the changes in or world. We cannot talk religion or politics so I've used up my griping space. Guess we will have to find something else to talk about....Netflick and Madam Secretary is a good show. The second season has started and I enjoy it. Pat is very good about inviting me over to watch it in the cool of her air conditioned home. Nice....cool...great tea and good company. Madam Secretary reminds me a little of West Wing, well done and interesting. I enjoyed Cedar Cove also and am waiting for a new season.
We cold talk about Ridgemont but then there really isn't much new news. Vinnie has not shown up for several days for a read. Not sure what is going on with him. There seems to be a no talk clause in the works as we never hear any news of our fellow citizens here and rumors abound. I heard yesterday one of our men, I thought was in the hospital, had died; not a word and it doesn't make sense. The majority want to know how their fellow neighbors are and some take time to visit, to send a card, to make a call to let them know they are 'neighbors'. It is a strange and different rules seem to apply, and you thought I was going to share some gossip. . . no way.
So today, stay in tune with your neighbors. Be sure to take time to wave, smile, call, invite.....little words mean a lot. Hugs mean more. So set your rule for the day, one hug, two, three. . . how many can you fit in today? I'll take a verbal one. Know I like you, I love you, and I wish you contentment today. Be content. Hugs to all.
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