Sunday, June 12, 2016

Rum Runner

WE WON    The Rumrunner FIRST PRIZE in the Parade yesterday up there in Gardnerville, Nevada and a great time had by all.     Son Michael should be real proud of himself, a master builder of floats.

Mike Amacker loved walking off with the First Prize again.   He is a master of great ideas for the parades up there in Nevada.   Great Job Mike, congratulations !!!

The Winnie The Pooh Tea was yesterday and there was a good showing of folks.  The ladies came all dressed up and the Gallery looked beautiful.   The tables were set with the golden silverware, lovely beaded napkin rings and a three tier plate with some very tasty sandwiches and deserts.   There was ;plenty to go around and not many crumbs left.   The ladies are clever and placed a small saying by Winnie the Pooh under each plate and when the hostess read off a saying the matched one was the prize winner.   Aggie and Doris, friends from Ridgemont, joined me and they really enjoyed high tea,  and Christine's friend Bec joined us at our table, a lovely lady and a good conversationalist..   Daughter Patricia played chauffer and did a great job getting us over and back.    I would say it was a huge success. We didn't get to visit with Christine as she was busy keeping the lovely teen Princesses busy filling plates.   Several of the male artists poured tea and did a great job, didn't spill a drop.   The Gallery Board Members put two teas a year on and each one is of a different theme.    There is always a lively interest and the members join in the making of the decorations and supply the delicate sandwiches and deserts.   Those little chocolate treats I helped Pat make were delicious and went over really well.   I don't know who made the lemon tarts but I 'd like to have a half dozen more.   Let me just say there were few crumbs left.   My hats off to the committee, can hardly wait to find out what the theme will be for the next one.
It was a busy week, good weather, lots to keep us busy so no one had time to complain.    So today, know keeping busy means that you will not have time to complain either.   The key word...busy....its opposite you know what to do with your seconds today.    Go, find someone to share time with.   Go, be a good guest and take a surprise along be it something good to eat or someone to hug.    Take time today to do one good deed.  Someone is waiting for YOU.   Be a charmer, a goodie two shoes, a fun someone to be around and sparkle.   Make your today even better than yesterday. . . put a twinkle in your eye, lighten your footsteps and don't be bashful...hug a lot.    Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...