A young student found good use for his toy soldiers and created a masterpiece. Very creative and very patriotic. |
That sandman is a it again, how clever and how talented. I tried making castles in the sand but |
never could take credit for anything as artistic as this. A bucket of sand and a little water but a few lumps and bumps was all I ever managed. Some folks just have a creative streak that shines and some of us find it hard to fill the sand pail.
A Maple bonsai, gorgeous . . . not sure if I had this picture on with some other bonsai but it is worth a second peek. I wouldn't mind having one of these in my apartment, how about you?
Hump Day is here. . . going to a workshop later today and make some button bracelets for the upcoming Pirate Luncheon. It should be fun and I am hoping someone has some clever ideas on some creative wrist decorations. The ladies are very creative so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. One of the ladies said she had a collection of buttons and would donate them to our cause, but. . .that proverbial but...she changed her mind and decided not to part with them....who could blame her as some must be as old as she is...so we will have to check out the local yardage store and see if they have any buttons we can work with. Collections are a two way sword as you collect and store some one article or item you love and then put it away in a dark corner until the urge comes to take a peek at it and back it goes. Doesn't make sense to collect and hide. The trouble with collecting is that it becomes too much and loses its special meaning and quality. it is best to choose wisely for both quality and quantity. Too much of anything is never good for us.
I conned Christine into going out to have some Chinese last evening. she ordered her usual special dish and I ordered what was actually fish and chips. she laughed at that. I really wasn't hungry but did enjoy sitting by the big windows overlooking the water, watching the boats and the ferry. It is a lovely view and the water has such a calming effect. There are times when one feels restless and the water view has a way of calming the spirit down. It must be special to have a boat and take a trip out and sail on the calm waters. The Ferry boat had come and gone so it was very quiet out there. The sun was setting over the mountain range and the clouds were making pictures to enjoy. We stopped to visit with Patricia for a bit. she has been having some M.S. bouts this past week and that is never good. It slows her down so she doesn't feel like going out and about so we brought dinner to her. She was both surprised and pleased. We stayed to watch the news with her and Emma was in her glory getting all the petting and loving she could stand.
I did read to Vinnie for a short while yesterday. That Navy book is funny and the shenanigans of the incinerator boss and his crew are hilarious. Vinnie is reliving some of his Navy time. He is also suffering from ego problems as he has purchased two huge rings which are weighing him down and making his fingers swell. Both are beautiful rings and must weigh heavy as they leave huge red welts on his fingers. Vanity has a price. I think some seniors are just plain lost and lonely and think 'things' will relieve the feeling of loneliness. If they would If they would share time it would be much more beneficial but that doesn't seem to enter their minds. At dinner time everyone sits at their favorite table and seem to be enjoying an exchange of words until the food cart comes. They eat their lunch and get up and leave and do not stop to sit awhile and continue with their conversations. They head for their rooms, close the door and hibernate until the next meal. I left my door open a crack and got company....yeah for me.....Ron stopped in and stayed for awhile telling me all about the puzzles he does on his little pad, some very complicated and all very colorful. My puzzle sits and waits for a finish which I doubt will come about any time soon as each piece fits wherever you want to put it and it really doesn't belong so you pull out as many pieces a you put in. I have never done a puzzle like this, very hard , a challenge and it is so slow in getting done.
So, now that I have caught you up on events here, get up, get out and make your day bright and beautiful just like YOU. do not forget you have a duty to be good and kind and generous today . . . make your today a sunshine day and share YOU with those you like and love. A smile, a kiss, a hug . . . all the things needed for a 'good' day.....go and see how many you can share. Don't be afraid to share YOU. . . there are folks just waiting . I'll take a verbal hug anytime. Hugs ot all.
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