Monday, May 30, 2016


It is called litchen, different and has a beauty all its own.  

A big truck jack knifed at the curve of highway 16 yesterday.

Jennifer loves being a brand new Grandma.   Arlo is a handsome addition to the family.  

May is all but over , the Memorial Day Holiday is gone for another year, but that does not mean that we can put the memories of those who fought and died on the back burner.  Every day is a Veterans Day and every day we can lift our thoughts, just for a second or two, and say a prayer for the souls of the departed.   They deserve a special thought .   Here in Port Orchard a misty drizzle greeted the folks out celebrating down at the waterfront.   A little mist didn't stop them and a few meandered up to the Gallery and bought a few books on sale.   Fred Meyers store was over crowded with grocery shoppers, guess everyone ran out of hot dog buns at the same time.     I spent some time watching the last of the season of "The Last Ship"  which was very good.   A good cast and a good story line.   The bad guys did get their comeuppance and next season there will be a new story line.  
It is know what Monday is like....a go back to bed and pull the covers over your head kind of day......good idea but I am heading for the kitchen and the coffee pot and something to eat.   I have no news this morning I can share.   It has been a whole weekend of celebrating Memorial Day Weekend and we have said it all.    It is harder to find some bright and cheery news;   so I'll go sulk until I find something I can share with you.
That doesn't let you off the hook though;    good deeds, kind words, a hug or two;  get busy and share YOU with those you like and love.
Be a strong shoulder today for someone who needs YOU.    I do!!!   Hugs to all.

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Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...