Sunday, May 1, 2016


Levi and his two daughters admiring the big fish that didn't get away.

What I do not understand is why our so called representatives do not follow through with impeaching a president who has thumbed his nose at them and us for the last seven and a half years. 

An interesting old tree stump has the makings of an eagle.

A felted owl, clever and cute.

Happy May Day.  I'd like to hang a tiny basket of goodies on your door knob and make you smile;  know  I am sending loving thoughts and verbal hugs your way.    The fifth month, the month of flowers blooming and warmth stealing in to earth to make way for the planting and all of the Spring chores before the Summer heat and lazy days.   May is special to us as both daughter Patricia and I have birthdays.   We intend to celebrate, wouldn't miss a chance to 'kick up our heels' and ignore the numbers . 
Christine surprised me with a visit last evening and I got to hear all about her trip to Houston.  It sounds like they have hot and humid weather and think walking is a chore.  She loves her morning latte and walked a block and a half to get one every morning.  She tells me no one walks in Houston.  She had plenty of work to do while there and was proud of all she accomplished.   It all sounded interesting and familiar and reinforced my love of retirement.   She looked very tired so hopefully she will take a day or two off and do a lot of nothing.    I found out her title is "Chief of Operations"  sounds complicated and busy work and she enjoys every minute of it.   I have been Chief of No Operations for some time now and wouldn't have it any other way.  She got to renew acquaintances and met a few of the newer members.    She did go out to a restaurant or two but had nothing good to say about the menus.   She did say they don't seem to know what salad makings are.   She laughed telling me how the cats were happy to see her and brought her up a big piece of paper to prove it. 
It was a quiet day here at Ridgemont yesterday.   I walked out and went up to the corner and back.  It is probably four long city blocks, cars rushing by on the highway with a divider break in between.    The young boys were over at the ball field getting ready to practice.    I picked up a buttercup and admired its beauty.   There are some dandelions   in full bloom in the grassy area in front of one of the huge 'in care' homes.    I checked my mail box and found a clothing catalog so sat on the bench in front of  our building and took a peek at it.  It was much to nice to go upstairs to the apartment.  When I did decide to go back upstairs I took time to check out the puzzle which has gotten to that tough stage where all the pieces look alike n color and shape and defy you from finding the right piece...all dark of course.   
Here it is Sunday and it looks like it is going to be a very nice day.     I hope you find your weather to be bright and sunny, and you invite some family members and friends over for a treat today.    Take time to share YOU with those you love and like.    Remember to do at least one good deed today.    Treat someone to a special root beer float and some conversation.  "Share" has a nice ring to it.   So SHARE YOU TODAY.   Hugs to all. 

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