Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The lighthouse in Newport, Oregon.   A beautiful sight to see.    Angie took this picture and said it was a long time in coming to get the perfect shot.   I'd say she did a tremendous job of it.    Great shot.  

The last day of May, 2016, a long way from May, 1924, a long road to travel with the names of many places and faces.   A good time to reminisce.  A good time to  take a walk down memory lane.   In the very early years, I remember parades for Decoration Day, trips to the cemetery, placing flowers on the grave of a loved one who was called much to early to suit me.  I loved the parades, the flag bearers striding along with such pride.   I remember looking at a huge table book with all the pictures of World War I, horrifying and ugly pictures of battle scenes and the remains of those who gave up their lives for freedom.    The same old story repeated time after time and it seems no one learns  the lessons of futility.    Right now, and for several months, I have been reading "Winds of War" and the sequel, "War and Remembrance" to a veteran who spent time in the Navy and traveled the world seeking a way to help end all wars forever;  sad, not a truism as the "pot boils over" time after time for reasons we don't even hear about or understand.    Nothing has been solved or resolved over the centuries, wouldn't you think we would have and should have learned something from our futile efforts to survive.   Decoration Day or Memorial Day, as it is now called, is a day to remember those that gave their lives for the principles they believed in.   It is now up to each and every one of us to live up to their sacrifice and make our world a much better place .  It starts in your own little corner of this world.  It is difficult to carry this banner, yet we have a duty to those who gave their lives for the magnificent world of freedom.  All the hullabaloo is gone today, a new week is starting and the holiday already on  the pathway to forgetfulness for another year.    Maybe it would be a good idea to let the thoughts and deeds linger on awhile.  Maybe we could take time out to visit a Veteran' Hospital and share time with a wounded warrior.   If that is to much to ask, maybe a donation would be in order to help the Veterans Organizations lend a helping hand to those in need.   They are not asking for a handout but a hand up and that is the least of what we can and should do.    Memorial Day is a memory day, one we should all participate in , whole heart and soul.    It is pay back time as it should be.   It is not time to 'pack it up' until next year, it is time to renew this particular holiday every day all year through.   It is time to 'lift up' a veteran in need and deed for all that he or she has given to make our world a better place.    We owe them big time.
So put on your thinking cap and think of a way you can participate in helping a veteran and his family survive.  Think about how you would feel if you lost an eye, an arm, a leg and still had to find a way to survive.    they didn't ask to be maimed for life, they were because they were willing to give their all for your freedoms.    So make Memorial Day an everyday work of art, paint a picture in which you are the main character and have  the will and the heart to help your fellow man.    Be a leader.  Be altruistic.   Be of 'big' heart . . . be a giver, not a taker. . . be YOU....be special in your differences and make the world a better place as only YOU can.   Hugs to all.

Monday, May 30, 2016


It is called litchen, different and has a beauty all its own.  

A big truck jack knifed at the curve of highway 16 yesterday.

Jennifer loves being a brand new Grandma.   Arlo is a handsome addition to the family.  

May is all but over , the Memorial Day Holiday is gone for another year, but that does not mean that we can put the memories of those who fought and died on the back burner.  Every day is a Veterans Day and every day we can lift our thoughts, just for a second or two, and say a prayer for the souls of the departed.   They deserve a special thought .   Here in Port Orchard a misty drizzle greeted the folks out celebrating down at the waterfront.   A little mist didn't stop them and a few meandered up to the Gallery and bought a few books on sale.   Fred Meyers store was over crowded with grocery shoppers, guess everyone ran out of hot dog buns at the same time.     I spent some time watching the last of the season of "The Last Ship"  which was very good.   A good cast and a good story line.   The bad guys did get their comeuppance and next season there will be a new story line.  
It is Monday...you know what Monday is like....a go back to bed and pull the covers over your head kind of day......good idea but I am heading for the kitchen and the coffee pot and something to eat.   I have no news this morning I can share.   It has been a whole weekend of celebrating Memorial Day Weekend and we have said it all.    It is harder to find some bright and cheery news;   so I'll go sulk until I find something I can share with you.
That doesn't let you off the hook though;    good deeds, kind words, a hug or two;  get busy and share YOU with those you like and love.
Be a strong shoulder today for someone who needs YOU.    I do!!!   Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 29, 2016


I had to laugh when I saw this picture.  I am reading "Winds of War" to Vinnie and I have words like this to try and pronounce.  Try it, I am not very successful.    I usually spell the words I cannot say and Vinnie gets out of his chair to check the words out and he can't pronounce them either.   We agree to call them all ';German' and get on with the story.

Some of us a little,  some of us a lot, but no matter what we give it our best shot.

And the elder leads teaching by example . .  the best way to go. teaching life skills to the young.

The end of a week, the end of a month, how time flies.    Pat and I went down to the Port yesterday and walked in the misty rain to see what all the town artisans had to show in  their big white tents.   We were early so there were not to many folks there.   We had a nice quiet view of all the wares and I did buy some honey.  We didn't stay for the activities but wondered about looking things over.  Last year Jock was here and he did a lot of standing in line for the chicken wings.   We missed you Jock.

We walked up to the Market and had a bowl of fish chowder.   It really is the best in town.   John and I went there three days when he was here for a visit and made an impression  as the young lady who waited on us remembered me.   I ordered a bowl this time but found it is a bit too much;  the cup is just right.    No matter, it was still delicious.., yum.  There is a small jewelry stall nearby the restaurant and I spotted a purple beaded bracelet so picked it up for one of the ladies.   Our Darlene wears costume bracelets by the yard and I thought she should have this one to add  to her collection.  It looked like something she would like.    On sale for one dollar...ah, the big spender.

Christine is back at the Gallery today and is having an impromptu book sale.  I think Patricia and I were her only customers yesterday.  I now have four more books to read.  For someone who was not going to fill the bookcase again, I am doing a great job of it.   I'll be reading all summer and that isn't a bad thing.

So today, look for a book sale.  Some one must be having one.    Christine had her books priced at twenty-five cents a piece.   A give away.   Some great titles, most I had read and some I never heard of so I thought I'd give a new author a read.    Our local and famous author, Debby  Mac/Comber books were out thee so I got one to try and see if I like the way she writes.    She writes about Cedar Cove, which I think is Port Orchard in disguise.

So with that little bit of dribble, I am off to have a quiet day.   A trip to the grocery store, a loaf of rye bread on my list and maybe a slice or two of thin ham and cheese will make a good luncheon sandwich.   Food is fuel for the body and I am never shy about filling up.  smile.

Be good, be kind, be gentle, go about today as if it were your last day to practice being YOU.   Make someone smile today.   Be generous to a fault;  wonder if that is possible?   Try it and find out.   When you give of yourself you are spreading a hug amount of JOY around . . . what a way to share.  Send a little this way.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

A special chore we are all happy to participate in..   It is a special date , a day in which we honor those who gave their all for our freedom. and half the world as well.    We owe a special tribute to the men and women in our armed forces who give their all without a second thought.    This weekend attend the parades, honor those who have given their lives, take time to recognize the cost of being free.
There is no parade here in Port Orchard, but there is a Seagull calling contest down at the Bay and there is a bake off of tasty morsels and the crowds will gather to enjoy the festivities in town.    The weather is cooperating and it should be fun.

A quiet day at Ridgemont yesterday.   Vinnie and I had a short read as the card ladies came to play in their favorite area.   We were all but through but this is the second time they have followed us into our reading areas.    The tables are just the right height, the chairs comfortable and the light good so I gather that is why we all like the activity room.    The book is more than three quarters finished and I for one will be glad to end the World War II story with all its Holocaust details, such an ugly tale that had to be told and I for one, think there should be a special day to honor those of Jewish decent who were slaughtered and swept under a rug in a world gone mad.    War solves nothing, usually a bully fight over wants before needs.   I am looking for some book to read that will make us laugh out loud for a change, maybe I'll reread "Suds In Your Eye" , a Mary Lazwell book from the forties, and check up on the ladies who build a fence out of beer cans.   

So this is Memorial Day weekend, a lot of activities in town.  I hope you have some where you are and enjoy the weekend.    Surround yourself with friends and family.    Food is never a problem, the outside grill does a great job especially if there is a master chef on tap.   A big juicy hamburger or a hot dog complete with all the fixings;   sounds good to me.   But, best of all is surrounding YOU with those you love and like.   Be a good neighbor and open the garden gate.    Don't forget some lemonade or even a tall cold beer;  I'll take coffee thanks.   A walk among the 'stones' , a tiny flag, a big prayer and you will have remembered what this weekend is all about.    May God, in His infinite mercy, bless each and every soul who gave their all for each and every one of us.   Strangers who bonded to make our world a better place and yet we never seem to learn.  War is\ hell.   War is crippling.  War is not the answer at all.    So take time this Memorial Weekend to honor those who sacrificed their very life for our freedom.  We owe them, big time.

Be good, be a special huge thorn in the side of someone who might think they can best you today.   Be strong, be kind and turn the other cheek as it always drives them  crazy.    Be a rose bush today.  Hugs to all.

Friday, May 27, 2016


Here is the one that got away.....Jock sent this picture  of a sockeye salmon , seems the fish are not biting , and he is not happy   but they will return in time and he will be the first one out casting a line to catch a big one.   


Memorial Day weekend.   We have a lot of prayers and good deeds to say and do as we honor those who have fought bravely and gave their lives for our freedom.   Get up and get out and attend a parade if there is one in your town.   Stand tall as the flag goes by and salute it.   Put those hands together and clap, let those who take the time out to honor this special weekend know that we are standing their and backing them up.    Freedom comes with a very high price.   We have no idea unless we tune in and pay attention.   The Veterans of World War II are almost all gone now, remember their sacrifice in the war to end all wars.   Wish that had been true but count up how many more have had to give up their lives and limbs to continue to fight for our freedom.  We do not go out and on the battlefields but we do get up and stand behind them and help in any way we can.     Now we face a relentless and terrible enemy who wants what we have;  freedom.    Again our armed forces  will be called upon to be first in line to stop them, and we need to be prepared and help in every way we can.   We need to let our armed forces know we back them every step of the way.  So celebrate this holiday by showing up and gearing up your patriotism and join in the chorus of God Bless America.
So as you celebrate this holiday with all kinds of fabulous foods and visiting family and friends, take the time to stop for a second or two and lift up your thoughts in a prayer of thanksgiving  for having the freedom to do so and a special prayer for the souls who died on the battlefields and for the thousands of veterans who have lived their lives in pain and agony from their wounds.    We owe them so much more than we can ever pay.  
 Make this Memorial Day mean something.
Hugs to all.


Thursday, May 26, 2016


Friend Marge found a friend waddling along the Port sidewalk in Brookings.    Ah!!   I miss seeing the gulls that want to be fed by humans instead of going fishing on their own.    Noisy creatures , but graceful and plentiful as they waddle on the boardwalk.   My very first encounter with a sea gull was in Newport, Rhode Island.   I was walking down Thames Street with my brand new husband , off to meet his family, and as we walked down by the buildings a gull flew over and plopped right on my head leaving me with a mess to try and clean up before we got where we were going..   Talk about first impressions.

A favorite place, a perfect shot by Mike A.   I probably have shown this picture earlier in the week, but it is a beauty and should be admired again.  The base of the Sierras, the horses in the field and a reflection inn the pond....what a shot....If I could, and had permission, I would enter this in one of the  photo shows.  It would be a winner.

Advice we should listen to and should have, could have over the years.    We folks know how to waste time, about time we learned how to 'live' time.    the seconds fly bye so don't waste them.

The work party went well as we tried to put a circle of soft cloth over a tiny honey jar for the upcoming June tea party.   The ladies work hard and enjoy each other as they tried to work with raffia;  now that is not easy to work with as it has a mind of its own.   I finally mixed it with a bit of ribbon and had more luck with it.    There was a lot of laughter as we struggled with our project and all fifty jars finished.   Of course we had our pizza which was delicious. and the beverage of choice.    I could have and should have . . . famous words . . . done more but I was busy trying to be creative.  Believe me raffia is not the 'stuff' to be creative with.   It is always a fun time to work at the work parties and the helpers are easy to be with.  
Here at Ridgemont it was quiet yesterday as quite a few had gone off on the bus to the shopping center.  I didn't see the sign up sheet so didn't venture off, but then I don't think I would have signed up as I had just been out and about and needed more down time.  Strange, well not so strange, life reverses itself and you wake up to find you are beginning second childhood. Don't laugh, it is a truism.    the five senses begin to retrace their steps and you are at a beginning all over again.    the pace begins to slow and all the hurry in the world is not going to change it.    So for once in your life you learn to relax and not anticipate a lot of rushing around.   You allow the other folks to keep up the pace while you slow down to a walk.   It is fine.  Not a problem.  It just takes patience and understanding to deal with it all.   Life is  like that.   
So today practice slowing down.    The body needs rest time and the mind needs it even more so.    I have a couple of dear and loving friends I wish would accept the fact that their type A personality is going to get the best of them if they do not find a way to peace and harmony within.   For some reason or another they think that they are destined to keep up a pace that would slow anyone down and they defy it.   So think about how you perceive your world.  Think about how you care for this human body that is such a fabulous creation.   The care you give it is the fuel to keep it going.   So care about YOU.  Give yourself permission  to slow down and renew the worn bits and parts.    Strengthen the worn out parts and give yourself the love and care you shower on others.   Be good to YOU.  
Today , live a little selfishly, be a King or Queen for today.    Make today  "MY" day and only do what YOU want to do.  You can get back to 'normal' tomorrow.  Be kind, be gentle, be a lover of life and share it.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Some folks are born gardeners and Mike A. up there in Gardnerville, Nevada is truly a master of the garden art.   He grows beautiful flowers and some fantastic vegetables as well.   

Another of Mike's garden paths.  The Iris are beautiful and huge.   Some folks just have a knack for making things beautiful .  I wouldn't mind sitting out in this garden and smell the flowers.   Great job Mike A.

Natalia and Joseph.    This little sister is catching up quickly to her big brother.   Grandma Judy is sharing a picture or two.  Two sweet hearts who keep grandma healthy and happy.   

Here it is hump day again, sure comes around fast.    Mid week and the weather remains quite cold in the early mornings.   Vinnie and I had a short read yesterday as the ladies came to our area to play cards.   The upstairs dining area where they usually play was being used for a special event.  We were not invited so have no idea what that was.    The ladies play a game called "Thirty nine" and they say it is simple and fun.   I am not much of a game player preferring to read a good book or write.   I have sort of given it up lately, getting lazy.    I did get out to the bank and the grocery store.   I managed to find some fruit and a few necessary evils to satisfy the palate.   Okay, just one small box of ice cream bars . . want one?
Pat came up to see what she could do with the 'puzzle from hell' as it is very slow going.   I have changed the frame a dozen times and it seems to be right until you try to add a piece and it doesn't fit the theme of the area.  It is a difficult one and each piece is identical in shape but not in the story line of the block you are working on.    I have never seen one like this maze and believe me if I finish this one it will be nothing short of a miracle.    Pat brought over her magnifying glass to help things along.   does it?  Nope...it just magnifies the piece but doesn't tell where to put it.   I have an idea...but you don't want to hear it.
My complaint for today is leg cramps, those high thigh ones that hurt and just do not go away quickly.   I had read an article about some helpful hints but believe me nothing works.    If you have a cure, please send it along.   Well, I have to complain about something, it is okay, you can join in.   Pollen , stuffing nose, runny eyes, they can count.   Ah, you can think of something, it's Spring.  Maybe politics?   Maybe some in law or out law can be polished up and displayed today . . . we cannot be good all the time . . . so . . .complain it is good for your soul.
When you are through complaining, turn on those sparkling eyes and put a big smile on your face and let those you like and love know you were only having a moments relapse and you are ready to take up your world again today.    Get up and out and do something good today.   One good deed, maybe two if you have the energy.   you cannot be a slug forever;  be a bumble bee and sting someone with a wake up call;  it is good for them.    But, be gentle, be kind, be good and throw in a hug or two.   Hugs to all.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Why would cursive writing be taken out of the schools?   It does not make sense.   Yes, there are new and more modern gadgets to contact one another but I am sure they wear out and are expensive gadgets to replace.   I cannot imagine not being able to write or sign your name; are we going back to the big X in life.  I hope not.   

I remember covering our school books to keep them neat and tidy.   The brown bags were an inexpensive way to keep our books protected.

and we never realized we were working on  a computer...smile.

An old friend of mine, Larry Smith, from Carson City days.   He owns a sail boat and is traveling the world.  I had not seen him in years when he found his way to Brookings, Oregon and spent a few hours with me and my family.    He and his friend were taking off for Italy and invited me to join them;  great idea, but I think he forgot age has caught up , even he has grey hair now and I have aged to perfection and that old rocking chair has gotten very comfortable.   I hope he is having a great time and finds his way back for one more visit to tell me all about  his travels.
Speaking of travel, thank you Barbara for all the pictures and stories of your trip to Ireland.   It brought back some wonderful memories of my travel days over there.    It is a 'soft' country with loving people and has a beauty all its own.    I'd go back tomorrow if I could and stay longer.   I used to know folks who rented a house for a month and stayed for a month traveling around the country side.   I'd like to have a good healthy bank account and be able to do just that.   I am looking forward to a recap.
Here at Ridgemont, I had different table mates yesterday.  My usual seat was taken so I ventured off to another table and listened to a bit of genealogy.   Lyle found a Smith in his family line , now that should be an interesting name to follow.   We probably all have a Smith or Jones in our heritage.    It seems to be a time consuming adventure and the more he digs into the past the more he finds new names, faces and places.    His blood line has changed from German to English to a bit of French and now some Irish;  probably something we all have a little of.    It seems to be a very interesting and entertaining past time.as you find your way back in time.
So today , if you have time, start on the road to finding out who your ancestors are.    It should make an interesting read.   Who knows, there may be kings and queens in your background, a castle or two you had not heard about, or maybe a gypsy  cart that is waiting for you to travel the world.    Maybe your ancestors left behind clues for you to follow.   What an interesting time it will be to go on that path to find out.   Think about starting an adventure and let me know what you find.
Today, be kind, be generous, be good to know and be loved.   Treat yourself to some down time and take a walk around the block.  Meet and greet a neighbor or two and pass along a few kind words to brighten the day.    The trick is to enjoy the day and whatever it brings.    Reach out.    Be generous with your time and invite a neighbor in for a  'cuppa' ;  if you are lucky he or she may have baked today and will bring some good treats along.    The biggest treat is their company and the hug that goes with it.    As I have often told my children, you get out of life what you put into it, no more, no less....so get busy and put a lot of brightness in your life and shine.    Hugs to all.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Friend Angie playing around.   She is such a lovely lady and so much fun.   She isn't afraid to live life and I am very proud of her, besides she likes me.

I heard this many times and a smack on the rear made it a truism.

I remember there was a gypsy family that came to our town every year and took up residence in  an empty store.  We used to walk on the other side of the street as we were often told they loved to steal children and take them away.   I wonder why I wanted to be one.   Here is the answer....at long last.   

A new week, weather wise it is still spring and it is a bit chilly out there this morning.    I woke at three a.m. and made my coffee and sat at the puzzle trying to make some color code to it, hoping it would help in solving this outrageous puzzle which is a puzzle within a puzzle, a maze to be exact and all pieces alike.    It is going to take patience, lots of it, and time.  The frame has been taken apart several times now that I found the cheat sheet.   I wish they had printed it in color but it is a light burnished brown shade and nothing shows clearly.  Some cheat sheet.
I had a restful weekend and think I have finally caught up with myself.   It was wonderful to have my children here and I truly loved every minute of their company but I overdid it, thinking I was Katrina The Great , only to find that I am close to being the ancient mariner.    Vinnie showed up and wanted to be read to.   I thought, for a minute or two, that I was being punished for being away for two weeks, but, he was having some issues with his health and just didn't feel up to sitting quietly and listening.   He has had shingles and they are slow to go away, and, painful to boot.   We had a nice read and then I showed him the pictures from the birthday bash and he was surprised we could light all 92 candles on one cake without ruining it.   What is a little wax between bites.  Smile!!
So a new week begins and there are chores that need doing.   The refrigerator needs defrosting, something I never had to do with my old one.    I hate that job.   Well, hate is a big word, let us just say 'dislike' and that will fit the bill.    I don't have a lot of food stored in it so it should not take all day.    It is a tiny refrigerator, fits my needs at this point in time.  Then I will go shopping for some new food, but not to much as food spoils if you do not use it within a couple of days.    Not sure if it is the refrigerator or the food itself.  It just doesn't last like it use to.     So many fillers and changes in our foods these days.   Best to buy small and more often I guess.   
So take a peek around your kitchen and see what has to be done today.   Check out all the food stuff and make sure it is still edible.    Some of us have a tendency to hoard and it just doesn't pay off after a few drays.    So off I go to make my list and decide what it is I would like for small supper meals and soup is always a preference for me.    A cup of soup, a half sandwich and a small desert always makes the day a good one.    So make your list, check it and decide what it is you want for this coming week.   Breakfast food tastes good in the evening....an awful waffle never goes to waste.    I noted the store has blueberries on sale this week so you know one of the items on my list.    If you are close by, come on over and I'll make some blueberry pancakes.    Be good, be kind, be neighborly.   Share YOU with those you like and love.    Hugs to all.


Sunday, May 22, 2016


A fishing boat returning to the Port in Brookings, Oregon.   A picture friend Marge took when out for a walk along the pier.  How much I miss my walks along that beach sometimes piled with driftwood.    Yep, I miss my walks especially at Lone Ranch Beach which was one of my favorites.

A special day to celebrate all of our armed forces men and women .

A truism.

Good Sunday morning which looks like a cold one this morning as the breeze is up already and folks are walking bye all bundled up.  The workers are getting ready for their shift to take care of their patients.   The hospital wing windows are still with drawn shades, a bit early for the patients to wake up.     I had one of those reading nights, guess my down time yesterday took care of my sleep needs.    A good book solves a lot of problems.  smile.  I thought of putting the light on at three A.M. and try to find a piece of the new puzzle.    If you want a real challenge order up "Lost In A Jigsaw" , the diagonal maze puzzle made by the Buffalo Games, Inc. 220 James E;. Casey Drive, Buffalo, NY 14206.   Know that each piece is the same, all pieces fit no mater where you place it.   I just found out last evening that some of the frame pieces that seem to fit perfectly, do not belong where they are, so have to be changed, but to where?   I have a feeling this puzzle is going to take a very long time to finish.   Okay John, you can come back now. or it might be the puzzle from hell that you will get for your birthday.  smile.
I went up to the dining room for dinner yesterday and my table mates were all off enjoying themselves elsewhere.   I was sitting along when the pastor arrived and his seat was occupied so he came over and sat with me.    He is stone deaf and I am not much better so our conversation was through smiling eyes and few words.   Then one of my favorites came and sat with us, the story teller who is always fun to have at the table.   I can't think of his name , at the moment, but hopefully I will remember .  I want to say it but it is gone from the memory banks.     Okay, I had to look it up...Lyle.....a different name and one that fits him.    He is doing his genealogy and  finds that some of his ancestors came over from Scotland and Germany.  The further back he goes the more complicated the names become as the census takers changed the spelling .  It seems to be a labor of love.  It seems that when the ancestors did immigrate they chose the Pennsylvania area...maybe Quakers at heart.
After all my fun days with my family , the trips and the plentiful food treats, I am having a sabbatical and doing a lot of nothing.    I had no idea a birthday zapped all your energy, guess that is what happens as the ninety era takes hold.    I was just 'pooped' , me, Katrina the Great,   tired...unheard of...well it happened and I am resting. 
So today, Sunday is a day of rest, or should be.    Make sure you take advantage of it and rest and relax so you can recharge your batteries.    A new week coming up and I am sure you all must have a dozen plans in the offering.    I hope you are busy planting your vegetable garden.   I am going to miss the delicious chard Jock grows in his garden.    He will be coming for a June visit but too soon to bring some along.    Pat put some seeds in, hope they are fast growing.   Chard is delicious in case you haven't tried any lately.    I am planning a salad summer to make up for all this high on the hog eating I've been doing latterly.    It sure doesn't take long to expand the waistline.     Carrot cake, chocolate cake, ice cream bars, mints, bagels and cream cheese and on and dozens of home made cookies.  I've tried passing them around but still more comes in the door and I never learned how to say 'no'.   Ever get tired of eating delicious, delightful eats....me either.    Go, treat yourself to something you love, enjoy and go on a diet tomorrow.   Hugs to all.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday Morning

What a gorgeous shot taken by my friend Marge in Brookings, Oregon.    How much I miss Brookings and friends.   The shapes within the tree reminded me of an art project one of the girls had in school when they had to take their camera out and find pictures of the alphabet to shoot.   It was not easy to find letters in nature, or so I thought, until you actually looked.  Here in this tree I see the letters Y, O, V and X.  
I thought I would make yesterday, Friday, a down day for me and rest up.  I had my shoes off, the puzzle to do and my chair to nap in until Samantha came to the door to say the monthly meeting was a two P.M.;  on went the shoes and off I went.   It was good to see our manager, Karen, back.  She has been doing two jobs for several months now as the need for new workers had to be filled and it takes time.    We learned a few new rules, especially about parking problems for those with cars.    We learned that there are fire rules and furnishings have to be at least twelve inches away from the heater.   That was the big news and she did ask for ideas of places we would like to go on our monthly bus trip.   We had two trips cancelled this past month as they have a need for bus drivers.    I didn't have a problem with travel as son John chauffeured me around on our annual trek, this time to Oregon for an overnighter.    He has reached home, safe and sound, and is going to relax today, according to his message this morning.     I think I will too.    I saw Vinnie up at the meeting and he is ready to pick up on our story.   Today would be a good catch up day.  Most of the folks here in  Ridgemont are doing good, with the exception of our Jan, a table mate, who is in the hospital due to a bout with sugar diabetes.   She had been off on a vacation and allowed herself a few special treats which caught up with her.    I have no idea what it is like to have diabetes but it looks and sounds like it is difficult to live with.   Ron is up and walking now that is leg is healed.   Three months of sitting in a wheel chair was enough to make him happy to get up and out and walk.   How come we never realize how we should take good care of our bodies until we lose the use of a part of it.    It is a daily chore we should welcome and take the time to truly take care of ourselves.
With that, I am off to have my coffee and wake up.    I am happy that you are healthy and taking care of YOU.   I wouldn't have it any other way.   (smile.).     Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we are told, yet some skip it . . . not me, Katrina The Great wouldn't miss a breakfast, a lunch or a dinner, in fact even a snack in between.    Food is the fuel we need to be healthy, so write up your menu and take a turn around the kitchen and fix yourself something that you enjoy, like awful waffles with blueberries, or some lemon pancakes, or the good old dropped egg on toast . . . okay, that does it, I'm off to fix my breakfast and I would share if you were here.   Go, make your day special, just like you . . . don't forget your good deed, your smile and your touch today;  be a beacon , a ray of sunshine, the light in someone's eye. . . be YOU.   Hugs to all.

Friday, May 20, 2016


An all steel car.   A cutie.    Bet it rides smoothly.    I wouldn't mind owning one of those.   Wonder what they cost.

I started to walk around with my camera, then I fooled around with the camera and have messed it up.  I wish Erin were here to give me lessons on how to fix the camera so it took pictures like this again.    This is a tree in front of Ridgemont.  The driveway leads to another huge building where the ill are housed until they recuperate.   

These are more of the bushes in the front of Ridgemont.    This is the front lawn of Ridgemont.  The outfit that comes to keep the yard up are really good at what they do and they work rain or shine.
Well all good things must come to an end.  My two sons are gone, back to their homes and will be catching up with the chores they left behind.    Mike left the other day and is already back to building the float for the June parade;  a Pirate boat called the 'Rum Runner'.   When Mike A. asked us for suggestions for a name, I thought 'Two Mikes" would be a good one, but the 'Rum Runner" fits the theme and son Michael is doing a great job of making the float look real, and Mike A. is dong his bit to add to it.  How they love a parade and Gardnerville seems to thrive on them.    I would love to be there to cheer them on.  
John is leaving, probably right now as he has an early flight to get to Delaware.   He will be in the air most of the day and probably will not get home until late tonight.   At least a six hour flight.   Hope they have a good movie to watch.   John was helping me with a jigsaw puzzle and it is a real tough one.  It is different and difficult, and now I get to try and do it all by myself...not fair....more fingers and eyes are needed for this one.   If I get it finished, and I hope I will, I am going to send it to a certain couple who deserve to be tantalized with it.   Something like not getting mad, but even...smile.
All of the celebrations have come to an end and I have to say my children did it up 'in spades';  I had so much fun, laughter, and treats that I am now willing to get back to normal and rest awhile.    I will join the Ridgemont folks for clam chowder today and I think I will share the goodies as I could never eat all the chocolate cake by myself, or the cookies that Doris baked and the store bought cookies.  I'd be three sizes bigger and I wouldn't like that.   Some things are made to share and these are at the top of the list.
So today, share . . . share you with those you love;   share the goodies you have bought and hidden away for another time;   share a touch, a word, a hug, a smile and the list goes on.   Give what you have away and it all comes back a thousand fold.  Reach for the gold medal of sharing today and do just that...SHARE!!!   Hugs to all.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


If you save a life it becomes yours.    a truism.

Well all of the hullabaloo is gone and all the celebrating is over for another year . . . family wise, as Mike has returned to Nevada and John is leaving today for Delaware.     He has a long flight ahead of him so today will be a travel day, long into the evening hours.   It was such a gift to have my children all together .   I have no idea when and if it can be done again, time will tell.

I think we 'ate' our way through the days and in between meal time too.    All the favorites were made;  all the restaurants got a bit of our business and each of us have started a new thought to resolutions and go on a diet and get back in shape.   It may take a bit longer than we think.   

Facebook messages and pictures have been coming in from Ireland where Barbara and her daughter are visiting.   Yes, they kissed the Blarney stone yesterday and I am hoping they were blessed with a zillion words to tell us all about their trip when they come home.    It has been such fun to revisit Ireland through their eyes.    I would love to do it again, one more time, a lovely country, great folks and sights to see.    If I had money, I 'd be off on a repeat tour and this time I would add Italy just to throw a coin in the fountain.  

Our weather stayed cool while my sons were visiting and it looks like today is no exception.    We may have a few rain showers before the day is over , a sort of back to normal weather pattern here in the Northwest.    A bit more than sweater weather as the heater kicked on this morning. I did go to lunch with my Ridgemont friends yesterday and they were happy to see me.    One of my favorite ladies is in the hospital because of a sugar diabetes flare up.   She had not been feeling good for a few weeks so the news is not good. 
   I brought them some of the left over party cake from the gallery goodies and some of the leftover birthday cake.    They are always happy to see deserts.    I had sent up cookies and candy as there is no way I can eat all of that sweet stuff up, by myself.   sharing is caring...I keep saying that.  For one reason or another deserts put a smile on our faces, not to mention what it does to our posterior.
So today, bake a cake, and sit back and enjoy a piece with your favorite beverage.    if you have been 'over' busy, take your shoes off and sit for awhile.    Rest up and do a lot of nothing special.  Keeping busy is great, but resting the body and mind is essential to keeping your good health.    Be a slug today.    You have to rest up so you can enjoy the upcoming weekend.  Share a few thoughts and deeds with those you like and love.     Be good, be kind, be generous to a fault.    A touch, a kiss, a sweet soft word does wonders;  try  it and see for yourself.     Hugs to all.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Good Men

The words are true to a point, a blank statement such as this is not always the best way to tell a story.  The men who wore bib overalls and worked the earth and worked their fingers and backs to the bone were the backbone of the United States and whatever country they lived in.   The men in suits cannot be generalized as some of them tried to serve in their capacity of leadership to the best of their ability and make their nations better for all their citizens.    There are always some who are selfish, greedy and try to ruin their country without a thought to the folks who voted them in.    We live and learn one day at a time that it is not the clothes that make a man but the heart and soul within.    I had a special friend who wore bib overalls and I'd wish him back to share time and friendship all over again.    I am betting you can count some bib overalls in your life too.  As for 'the suits', some have given their all to make things better;  some will have to face up to their behavior and I, for one, would not like to be in their shoes.   Think, when it comes time to vote this time.   
Yesterday was a sweet day;  a laid back day with no rush or fuss.   Christine had work to catch up after she saw Michael off; and he got home fine and called to let us know he got there safe and sound.   Patricia, John and I watched more of "The Last Ship" which is very well done ; and we had to give it up to have our dinner.  the ladies had a meeting to attend so John and I stopped at the Lighthouse for a salad.  You have heard of salad days, well we wanted and needed something light ...just right.  A week of feasting has us all ready to go back to our normal diets before we spread out all over this place.  It has been a memory building week , one we would be happy to repeat over and over but back to normal living is in store and we will get back into our regular life style with a full and happy memory bank.
I have a new puzzle on the table which is very different.   It is called "Lost in a jigsaw", The diagonal maze puzzle, doesn't that sound interesting.    I have the pieces on the puzzle board and I am sorting them out right now.   It looks impossible.  It looks like I will be moaning and groaning trying to get it started as it is not like the usual puzzle where you have a frame.  This one starts with the first square in the center making a garden labyrinth and it is called "Escape from Eden'.    It goes in an "X" pattern and I am already confused even though the first block could be the last one and I am already lost in the maze to be.    Come help. I could use it.
So today, lay out a jig saw puzzle on your table and get to work putting it together.    I think it teaches patience but I have friends who think I'm really gone as they don't find it relaxing but frustrating.   I'll need help so stop in when you have time.  ....I wish!!!
Be good, be gentle, be patient in all you do today.     A good deed or two, a happy smile from the eyes, a touch of your hand and someone will light up and have a wonderful day.     Be generous with YOU, that's all it takes to make someone you like and love happy today.    Reach out , it is so much better than sitting on your hands.    Hugs, hugs, hugs,   . . . sigh . . . I could use a couple right now as my family spreads their wings and get back to living their own lives.   How lucky they shared themselves with me and made me queen for a week.    Try it, give of yourself and make your family members smile today.   Think how much fun it is to share You with those you love.    Ah, the benefits you reap!!  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


A yellow bird, shy and lovely with its unusual coat of feathers..

the Sierras where son Michael heads for today.  Yes, he is leaving.  I hope to see him and the mountains before the summer is over.   When I lived and worked in Carson City, Nevada, I had a view similar to this out my office window every day.    

The artists here in Port Orchard are very supportive of each other.   Each one has a special talent and their work attests to some very beautiful pictures of our world and the folks who live in it.    Each  piece is a tribute to their special talent and a love for the scene they are painting.   It could be a person, an animal or a view of the spectacular floral and fauna of our surroundings.   How lucky to be in an area where the artists are appreciated and their work 'hung' for all the folks to see.  The doors are open and the gallery , housed in one of the oldest buildings in town, has a charm all its own.    There are museum artifacts in the upper floor , a history of the town .    People of this town live busy lives and not everyone is prone to visit museums and art  galleries, but the hard work of the Sidney Art Gallery board and the many volunteers bring them out for the new 'shows' every month .  The table filled with special treats of all kinds is a work of art all its own...and deliciously tempting.     
Yesterday, Sunday all day, a few rain drops and a nice cool day, I'd say a bit more like sweater weather and a lovely ride off to Silverdale and the huge Costco store there.    I was invited along for the ride and took advantage of some time to walk the aisles.  The carts are tall enough to lean on and the feet forgot to be slow and old and you can take off like a spring chicken. I checked out the shelves filled with all kinds of tempting things, and found some new tasty health food bars to try.    I didn't get all of the aisles done, but I did get quite a few so the legs got a good workout.   We found a favorite pizza restaurant to visit and waited patiently for our hot out of the oven pizza for our lunch. We got back in time to watch some of the series called "The Last Ship" ;  if you haven't watched it, do, it is well done.   When I started to nod, the family members realized I had an entire week of fun and food to last me for some time and they gave me a ride back to Ridgemont and my chair.   Of course I sat down , turned on the television, took my shoes off and got comfortable.   I couldn't tell you what I was watching, but I am sure my neighbors heard the snoring.    A week of celebrating finally caught up with me.  

So today, if you have not had a family reunion, start thinking about planning for one.    They are the necessary glue that keeps you all bound together in love .    A bond that should never be broken.  Be a healer today, reach out and touch someone you love.   No one said it would be easy;   just do it;   be the one with the big heart;  the one filled with love  that knows no bounds.   There are folks who have no family and some folks have a knack for making friends family;   it's easy when you have love to share and bonding becomes a good habit bringing the missing piece of your life's puzzle into a perfect circle of life.   Be a healer.  Touch someone today.    Seems I have mentioned this once or twice before, but then I am as old as Methuselah  and have learned how important it is to have 'family' to give you hope and love.  Hugs to all.

Monday, May 16, 2016

New Days

John found ninety two candles and plotted and planned the final decoration for the delicious carrot cake, my favorite,

It took a lot of helping hands to get those 92 candles lit .  I had help from Mike, John, and Christine cheered us on while Pat took the picture.   Christine baked the cake  and made a wonderful Meatball and Spaghetti dinner.  
And a greeting from our Erin from Hawaii.

There was a reception at the Gallery yesterday and the judges chose the winners.  I would not offer to be a judge as there are just to many really talented artists here in Port Orchard.   A good showing and when John, Michael and I visited, the word was out I was having a birthday and I got a lot of those bear hugs I talk about.   As you can see from the pictures above, we met at Christine's home for dinner and it was such fun as they teased me and almost set the world a blaze with the flame.  They expected me to blow them all out and I made a good try at it.   It has been a banner week surrounded by my children and a happy one.   It is coming to an ending as Mike leaves tomorrow and John on Friday.   I have been wined and dined and taken out and treated like a Queen  so turning 92, going on 93 as auntie would say, was a lot of fun, a true memory builder.

While the ladies were working at setting up the food table at the gallery, my two sons and I  went for a ride along the water to Manchester and back.   It is a lovely ride along the water and there are many big beautiful homes , all with a view, and some for sale at a price I couldn't afford.    It is a place for boating but there were no boats out yesterday.  The ferry boats were doing their usual runs, from the little ferry boat to the huge one heading to Seattle.    The weather stayed cool and a tiny sprinkle of rain drops so all was as it should be...perfect.
Your laugh for the day.  When I got back to my studio apartment and sat in my chair, took off my shoes and put my feet up, I turned on the television and hunkered down to catch up on a little of what is going on in the world , and promptly fell fast asleep.  My party days caught up with me.   I woke up in time to go to bed but not until I put in  an hour of reading.  
Again, my thanks to each of you who called and sent such loving cards.    I wish I could spend time with each of you.  You are the bright lights on my stage and I am truly grateful for your friendship and love.  
So today, be the one person in someone's life that brings happiness and contentment.   Be the light that shines and make someone you like and love feel like the most important person in this world.    Share YOU with someone special today and I guarantee what goes around comes around and you will feel like a King or Queen too.    Love does make your world a much better place.  Hugs develop into a sense of being, a tiny kiss brings sparkle to your eyes, and those three little words make life worth while.    Go SHINE today as only YOU can.  Hugs to all. 


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Time Flies

Sands of Time....Foot Prints In The Sand.........Yes, I've left many. . . today is my birthday. . . 92 !!!  WOW!!!

And my children are here to help me celebrate.   

It has been a banner week with a road trip, meals out, meals in, birthdays to celebrate , a time of sharing and caring...ah, life is good as cards and calls from friends highlighted the week.  I got married on my birthday so it was a double celebration every year. . . wow, that tells a tale of time passing like the wink of an eye.   
I have been blessed.   My children are loving, caring and sharing precious time with me and that , my friends, is a gift that is priceless.   
Speaking of gifts , when I got back to Ridgemont last evening, there was a note on my door asking me to stop by Doris' apartment .  I went down the hall to find her waiting for me.  This young lady, almost one hundred this year, had baked not only the breakfast roles I love but two kinds of cookies.  They were all wrapped and ready for me to take 'home'.   A lovely surprise and a truly delicious one.   Believe me, my heart is full.
So my cards are on display and as I look at each one and read and reread them over and over, I am feeling very much like a  "Queen for a Day"!!   It makes 92 seem like a good age to be.  
Thank you all for thinking of me, and for  the beautiful cards  I am off to a breakfast buffet this morning with my children.   I wish you were all here to join us.    Wouldn't that be a special gathering.   Yes....I'd like that.
So today, check your list and see who is having a birthday and take time to make their day bright and beautiful.    Birthdays are not about ageing but about having fun celebrating the fact that you are growing older and wiser and enjoying your seconds as they come.    A time to celebrate.   A time to enjoy life.   A time to share.   A time to care.   And, it comes around once a year.    Celebrate!!  
Hugs to all.

Good Morning!!!!

I am about to take a ride on my broom....thought you might like to come along!!! Good morning.  I've been awake for hours,  why?   Who k...