Storm clouds.
How lucky we are to be able to look up into the sky and see the beautiful clouds scudding bye. Some days you can see all kinds of people or animals or even the huge waves of the ocean. All you have to do is look up and let your imagination take wing.
Yesterday was a quiet day here at Ridgemont. Patricia had a full day so I didn't get to see her, but I had a couple of drop in folks and that is always fun. Ron is walking with a walker these days. After months of being in a wheel chair he is smiling again. His next step is to be able to drive his car and take off and enjoy the scenery around the waters edge. Our Vinnie was a no show so that cold he said he didn't have caught up with him and he stayed in his room. Aggie came for a visit and I showed her some of the blog about going to the tulip fields. She is a native of this area and the tulip area is very familiar to her. She has tales to tell and enjoys telling them. Aggie has a beautiful large bright eyed cat that greeted me when I went to see her in her apartment. She loves to be petted and when she wants attention she gets it like any cat will do; she reaches out, only she has her claws out which gets your attention in a hurry. All in all it was a good day and some good table mates to keep me up on their news. The only sad spot is that our friend Don is not going to be with us much longer. He is failing more every day. Right now his memory is going and his fiend Lil went to see him and he did not recognize her for the very first time. She was in tears. It is heartbreaking when Alzheimer kicks in. I know a lot of you have gone through this experience and still feel the loss of the love one who remains in body, but the spirit has taken flight. Light a candle, say a prayer for these folks and ask for a cure. So many cures are needed for so many diseases that take ones life away in small increments of time. We have to adjust our minds and our hearts to changes every day. Our length of life is not known, so it is up to us to make the best of our seconds every day. Start today by being a mentor. Pay attention to your own health, pay attention to your mates health, and then take time to spread a little joy. One does not know what is in store for them, so don't waste your precious seconds by wasting them. Be alert, be kind, be considerate not only to family and friends but to yourself. If you don't take good care of YOU then YOU can't take care of those you love and like. Find the pathway to the door of freedom from insecurities, straighten up your spine and be strong. Make your today a memory day. Take time to share YOU with those you love and like.
As for me, I am full of burned French toast; well, I can't be blogging and cooking at the same time. Someone once used to tell me that burned toast cultivated the vocal cords; I may be an opera singer yet. good, be kind, be gentle . . . love one another as I love you. It is always so good to be with friends even on paper or the computer or one of those new fangled gadgets I know nothing about. Hugs to all. |
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